CLI Client Installation and Use - Version 10.x

CLI Client Installation and Use - Version 10.x

On this page

It is recommended installation is done using platform installers available from Downloads.
This page covers installation instructions for advanced users wanting to install directly from a zip distribution.


The Atlassian CLI client is a zip distribution that needs to be unpacked and installed on a supporting client system (Windows, Linux, OSX) running Java 11 or Java 17.

Installation is simple and should only take a few minutes. Optional configuration can make usage easier to connect to your Atlassian servers and our recipes assume you've performed these. All application specific clients are included in the single Atlassian CLI distribution.

To use a CLI client, you will need to run commands from a  command prompt window (Windows) or a terminal window (Linux, OSX). 

ACLI Slide Shows - Introduction and detailed slide presentations to help you get started.

Know your server's URL

You will need to know the server's access URL to set the server parameter. Normally the same as you use for accessing from a browser. That may include a context like /wiki or similar depending on how your server was installed. Some Cloud clients (like Bitbucket Cloud, Slack, Trello) do not have a server parameter.

Server examples:

  • Jira - https://jira.examplegear.com
  • Confluence - https://confluence.examplegear.com

Cloud Users

Always keep your client current with the latest release. Atlassian updates the Cloud platform almost daily and these changes sometimes cause things to break. If you experience the symptom: worked yesterday and fails today. Then follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are on the latest release of the CLI client and try again.
  2. Still broken? Then try the latest CLI SNAPSHOT release. We ship releases daily if necessary to fix issues especially Cloud related.
  3. Still broken? Report it to us immediately. We will investigate and likely provide a SNAPSHOT fix to keep you running successfully.


  • If you are using a platform independent distribution, this assumes you have already have Java 8 or Java 11 installed on your system. Reference: Oracle or Adopt Open Java (recommended). Verify by running the following from your command line: java -version
  • Platform specific distributions have no need for a separate Java


Download Distribution


  • Use your favorite unzip tool on the distribution file
  • Put the resulting directory in a convenient location of your choosing
  • For our example, we use tools

Verify Installation

cd c:\tools\atlassian-cli-10.3.0
acli -a getClientInfo

Client name: cli, Client version: 10.3.0, Client build: 2022-01-20T19:59:31, Java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.11, OS: Windows
Linux, OSX
cd /tools/atlassian-cli-10.3.0
./acli.sh -a getClientInfo

Client name: cli, Client version: 10.3.0, Client build: 2022-01-20T19:59:31, Java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.11, OS: Mac OS X 11.5

Best Practices


  • Best to use a larger command window at least 100 columns wide, the larger the better for output viewing
  • Best to add your installation directory to your system path so you can run acli actions more easily on a regular basis
  • Recommend using the configuration support and other option customization capabilities to make day to day use simple
    • Some examples of this follow later and there are more detailed pages as well

Linux and OSX

  • To make the most of screen width for table output, it is recommended to add the following to your bash profile: export COLUMNS=$COLUMNS
  • Recommend defining acli (on your path) as a link to acli.sh or as a customized bash script similar to acli.sh
    • Examples here and on other documentation use this shortcut for simplification


  • No configuration or licenses are required for these examples

General Help


Default help message.



     ***     Welcome to the Atlassian CLI     ***
     - General Documentation:    https://bobswift.atlassian.net/wiki/ACLI
     - Action Reference:         https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IxKcAw
     - Getting Help and Support: https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/x/QxGcAw

To get started, specify an action like getClientInfo or getServerInfo or getProjectList or ...
Optionally, specify a client or a site defined in your configuration file './acli.properties' (not available)

Clients: jira, jiracloud, confluence, confluencecloud, bitbucket, bitbucketcloud, bamboo, slack, trello, ...

Here are some simple examples to try
- Please run from a terminal window that is at least 100 characters wide
- This assumes running from the installation directory using the default start scripts like acli or ./acli.sh
- Cloud sites used below have anonymous access, so no authentication is required

  acli --action getClientInfo

  acli bobswift --action getServerInfo --outputFormat 2

  acli --server https://examplegear.atlassian.net -a getProjectList

  acli -s https://examplegear.atlassian.net -a getSpaceList --columns 1,2,url --outputType table

  acli -a getRepositoryList --owner gint_org --columns 2,4,Website --outputType table

  acli jira --help

  acli jira -a getProjectList --help

  acli jira --server <your server> --user <your user> --password <your password> -a getProjectList

  acli -s https://<your site>.atlassian.net -u <your email> -t <your token> -a getProjectList
    -- Get an Atlassian Cloud token: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html

Here we add a simple configuration to the default configuration file and try it
  echo mysite = -s https://<your site>.atlassian.net -u <your email> -t <your token> >> ./acli.properties
  acli mysite -a getProjectList

Action: getServerInfo

This action contacts a server and retrieves base information about the server. To start, we contact a pre-configured bobswift Cloud instance using anonymous access.




Get general appliation server information.


acli bobswift -a getServerInfo

Jira version: 1001.0.0-SNAPSHOT, build: 100111, time: 10/4/19 12:57 AM, description: Jira for Bob Swift Atlassian Apps, url: https://bobswift.atlassian.net




Output format selection determines the data available for display.


outputFormat, outputType


acli bobswift -a getServerInfo --outputFormat 2 --outputType table

Server info
│ Product                      │ Jira                                   │
│ Version                      │ 1001.0.0                      │
│ Base URL                     │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net         │
│ Title                        │ Jira for Bob Swift Atlassian Apps      │
│ Build                        │ 100111                                 │
│ Build date                   │ 10/4/19 12:57 AM                       │
│ Current time                 │                                        │
│ License information          │ Not available for this Cloud instance. │
│ Client                       │ jira                                   │
│ User                         │ anonymous                              │
│ Response time (milliseconds) │ 713                                    │

Action: getProjectList




All actions have action specific help text.




acli bobswift -a getProjectList --help

│ Action              │ getProjectList                                                                                                                                                               │
│ Description         │ List defined projects with optional filtering by lead, category, and regex on project key or name. Get projects with no category by setting the category parameter to blank. │
│ Optional parameters │ lead, category, regex, outputFormat, file, columns, encoding                                                                                                                 │
│ Common parameters   │ help, verbose, debug, quiet, special, dateFormat, dateFormat2, outputType                                                                                                    │
│ Database parameters │ url, dbUser, dbPassword, database, host, port, driver, dbJar, dbCreateTable, dbTable, dbTableKeys, afterSql, propertyFile                                                    │
│ Access parameters   │ server, user, password, token                                                                                                                                                │
│ Output formats      │ 1 - default, 2 - issue count and category, 999 - all                                                                                                                         │




Filtering is available for list actions, this shows filtering by project category.


category, outputType, columns, options


acli bobswift -a getProjectList --category CLI --outputType table --columns "1,3,5,project url,jira url" --options tableNoWrap

23 projects in list
│ Key      │ Name                                         │ Lead                                 │ Project URL                                          │ Jira URL                                       │
│ ACLI     │ Atlassian Command Line Interface (CLI)       │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ACLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/ACLI     │
│ AGILECLI │ Agile Command Line Interface (CLI)           │ SriniP [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps]    │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AGILECLI │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/AGILECLI │
│ BCCLI    │ Bitbucket Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BCCLI    │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/BCCLI    │
│ BCLI     │ Bamboo Command Line Interface (CLI)          │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BCLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/BCLI     │
│ BCLIP    │ Run CLI Actions in Bamboo                    │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BCLIP    │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/BCLIP    │
│ CCLI     │ Run CLI Actions in Confluence                │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CCLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/CCLI     │
│ CRUCLI   │ Crucible Command Line Interface (CLI)        │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CRUCLI   │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/CRUCLI   │
│ CSOAP    │ Confluence Command Line Interface (CLI)      │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CSOAP    │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/CSOAP    │
│ CSOAPLIB │ Confluence SOAP Library                      │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CSOAPLIB │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/CSOAPLIB │
│ CSVCLI   │ CSV CLI                                      │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/csvcli   │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/CSVCLI   │
│ DW       │ Data Warehouse for DevOps                    │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW       │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/DW       │
│ FCLI     │ Fisheye Command Line Interface (CLI)         │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FCLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/FCLI     │
│ HCLI     │ HipChat Command Line Interface (CLI)         │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/HCLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/HCLI     │
│ JCLI     │ Jira Command Line Interface (CLI)            │ SriniP [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps]    │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/JCLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/JCLI     │
│ JCLIP    │ Run CLI Actions in Jira                      │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/JCLIP    │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/JCLIP    │
│ JSDCLI   │ Service Desk Command Line Interface (CLI)    │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/JSDCLI   │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/JSDCLI   │
│ SCLI     │ Bitbucket Command Line Interface (CLI)       │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SCLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/SCLI     │
│ SCLIP    │ Run CLI Actions in Bitbucket                 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SCLIP    │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/SCLIP    │
│ SLACKCLI │ CLI for Slack                                │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SLACKCLI │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/SLACKCLI │
│ STRCLI   │ Structure Command Line Interface (CLI)       │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/STRCLI   │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/STRCLI   │
│ TCLI     │ Trello Command Line Interface (CLI)          │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TCLI     │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/TCLI     │
│ TEMPOCLI │ Tempo Command Line Interface (CLI)           │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TEMPOCLI │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/TEMPOCLI │
│ UPMCLI   │ UPM Command Line Interface (CLI)             │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps] │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/UPMCLI   │ https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/UPMCLI   │

Action: getProject




Get information for a specific project




acli bobswift -a getProject --project ACLI

Data for project: ACLI

Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ACLI
Id  . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10212
Name  . . . . . . . . . . . . : Atlassian Command Line Interface (CLI)
Description . . . . . . . . . : Common issues acrosss CLI clients
Lead  . . . . . . . . . . . . : Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian Apps]
Default assignee  . . . . . . : PROJECT_LEAD
Project type  . . . . . . . . : software
Project style . . . . . . . . : classic
Project URL . . . . . . . . . : https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ACLI
Jira URL  . . . . . . . . . . : https://appfire.atlassian.net/browse/ACLI
Category  . . . . . . . . . . : CLI
Issue count . . . . . . . . . : 402

Action: getSpace




Get information for a specific space.


space, outputType


acli bobswift -a getSpace --space ACLI --outputType text

Data for space: ACLI
 Space key        ACLI                                             
 Id               2031617                                          
 Name             Atlassian Command Line Interface (CLI)           
 Home page title  Atlassian Command Line Interface (CLI)           
 Home page id     1966101                                          
 Type             global                                           
 Categories       cli                                              
 URL              https://bobswift.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACLI  

Action: getPageList




Page lists can be filtered by regex or other conditions.


space, regex, outputFormat, outputType, dateFormat


acli bobswift -a getPageList --space ACLI --regex "Atlassian CLI.*" --outputFormat 2 --outputType table --dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd

14 pages in list
│ Title                            │ Id        │ Parent id │ Author                           │ Created    │ Modifier                         │ Modified   │ Version │ Url                             │
│ Atlassian CLI Client Summary     │ 266642231 │  75694267 │ Automation [Bob Swift Atlassian  │ 2017-07-02 │ Automation [Bob Swift Atlassian  │ 2019-08-06 │     243 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/26664223 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ 1/Atlassian+CLI+Client+Summary  │
│ Atlassian CLI Error Handling     │   1966091 │  24051923 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2010-01-03 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2019-04-01 │      15 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/1966091/ │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ Atlassian+CLI+Error+Handling    │
│ Atlassian CLI Family of Tools    │  75694267 │  89620513 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2014-07-16 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2018-03-11 │      28 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/75694267 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ /Atlassian+CLI+Family+of+Tools  │
│ Atlassian CLI General            │  24051923 │  89620513 │ Bob Swift 2 [Bob Swift Atlassian │ 2012-09-25 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2017-08-02 │      16 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│ Documentation                    │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/24051923 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ /Atlassian+CLI+General+Document │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ ation                           │
│ Atlassian CLI License            │  75694144 │  89620511 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2014-07-14 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2017-09-11 │      20 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/75694144 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ /Atlassian+CLI+License          │
│ Atlassian CLI License for        │  75694133 │  75694144 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2014-07-14 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2014-07-14 │       1 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│ Versions 1.0 - 2.6               │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/75694133 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ /Atlassian+CLI+License+for+Vers │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ ions+1.0+-+2.6                  │
│ Atlassian CLI License for        │   1966090 │  75694144 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2010-01-03 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2015-07-06 │      41 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│ Versions 3.0 - 3.9               │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/1966090/ │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ Atlassian+CLI+License+for+Versi │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ ons+3.0+-+3.9                   │
│ Atlassian CLI License for        │ 195100996 │  75694144 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2016-10-01 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2016-10-01 │       2 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│ Versions 4.0 - 5.7               │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/19510099 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ 6/Atlassian+CLI+License+for+Ver │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ sions+4.0+-+5.7                 │
│ Atlassian CLI License for        │ 195101000 │  75694144 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2016-10-01 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2017-04-06 │       8 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│ Versions 6.x                     │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/19510100 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ 0/Atlassian+CLI+License+for+Ver │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ sions+6.x                       │
│ Atlassian CLI License for        │ 268736393 │  75694144 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2017-09-04 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2018-08-31 │       7 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│ Versions 7.x and 8.x             │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/26873639 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ 3/Atlassian+CLI+License+for+Ver │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ sions+7.x+and+8.x               │
│ Atlassian CLI Related Add-ons    │  34406836 │  75694267 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2013-02-28 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2015-01-24 │       6 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/34406836 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ /Atlassian+CLI+Related+Add-ons  │
│ Atlassian CLI Releases By Year   │ 267306861 │  75694267 │ Automation [Bob Swift Atlassian  │ 2017-07-19 │ Automation [Bob Swift Atlassian  │ 2017-07-19 │      12 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/26730686 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ 1/Atlassian+CLI+Releases+By+Yea │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ r                               │
│ Atlassian CLI Slide Shows        │ 900826101 │  89620513 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2019-03-24 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2019-09-15 │      17 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/90082610 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ 1/Atlassian+CLI+Slide+Shows     │
│ Atlassian CLI Start Script       │  98893894 │ 996510212 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2015-01-19 │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift Atlassian   │ 2019-10-03 │       5 │ https://bobswift.atlassian.net/ │
│                                  │           │           │ Apps]                            │            │ Apps]                            │            │         │ wiki/spaces/ACLI/pages/98893894 │
│                                  │           │           │                                  │            │                                  │            │         │ /Atlassian+CLI+Start+Script     │

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