Authentication types in Custom Reports datasources
Custom Reports supports multiple authentication methods to securely connect to your REST APIs. Choose the required authentication by your API and enter the necessary credentials during datasource creation.
On this page:
No Auth
This authentication type is utilized when the endpoint you are accessing does not require authentication. It lets you define the URL of your endpoints and modify it in a single location, eliminating the need to edit the report’s descriptor.
In this scenario, you will be prompted to provide a key-value pair, which will be used as either a query parameter or a header in requests to API endpoints that necessitate this authentication format.
Bearer Token
This authentication mechanism is widely recognized among developers. Your token will be included as part of the authorization header in each request.
Basic Authentication
The basic authentication requires users to send a username and password to authenticate your request. However, in the Atlassian’s ecosystem, you are required to provide your email address and an API token as the password.
Query parameters
Parameters allow you to define specific query details to refine the data fetched from the API.
Headers are used to send additional information with your API requests, such as authentication details or content types.
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Content-Type: application/json
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