Getting Started with Custom Reports

Getting Started with Custom Reports


In this guide, we’ll walk you through creating your first Custom Report by connecting to an open REST API. Follow these simple steps to set up your datasource, fetch data, and display it on your dashboard!


Open REST API: https://randomuser.me/api/?results=3

{ "results": [ { "gender": "male", "name": { "title": "Mr", "first": "Jorge", "last": "Silveira" }, "location": { "street": { "number": 7521, "name": "Rua Mato Grosso " }, "city": "Sertãozinho", "state": "Pernambuco", "country": "Brazil", "postcode": 50956, "coordinates": { "latitude": "-78.6841", "longitude": "-111.5651" }, "timezone": { "offset": "-10:00", "description": "Hawaii" } }