Extended Search filters

What are Extended Search filters?

Extended Search filters are saved Extended Search queries that can be used anywhere in Jira, just like your other Jira filters. Once you save a query in Extended Search, it is available on the Extended Search filters page and in your list of Jira filters.

You can use your filters in reports, Jira search, automation, other Appfire apps, and even third-party Jira apps. You can access your Extended Search filters from the Extended Search filters page and in the list of Jira filters in your instance.

Extended Search filters page

Jira filters list including Extended Search filters

Extended Search filters page

Jira filters list including Extended Search filters







There are important differences to remember when managing filter permissions and editing filter names and queries. The following sections explain where to perform specific actions.

Create an Extended Search filter

  1. On the Extended Search page, perform a search with the desired JQL query.

  2. Once the search results are displayed, click Save the query as a filter.


  3. In the Save query as a filter window, enter a filter name, then click Save. Filter names should be unique.


    You can now search with your filter in Jira search and everywhere else, e.g., filter="All child levels - all projects".

Filters are shared with other authenticated users by default. You can make it private or share it with more people in Jira filter permissions management.

Use Extended Search filters in JQL queries

You can apply an Extended Search filter to a JQL query in Jira, Extended Search, and in other applications using the following expression:


Extend other apps

Saved Extended Search filters can be used in other apps for more refined issue searches. For example, you can use an Extended Search filter to set the scope for post functions in JSU Automation Suite for Jira Workflows and in JMWE to set the scope for event-based and scheduled actions. See App integrations to learn more about how you can use filters in other Appfire apps, Jira, and third-party solutions.

Use filters in reports and dashboards

You can use your Extended Search filters in your Jira dashboard gadgets for more precise reporting. See our use cases to learn how.

Manage Extended Search filters

The Extended Search filters page displays the details of your saved Extended Search filters. If you have several filters, you can search by filter name and owner.

To view the Extended Search filters page:

  1. Go to Apps > JQL Search Extensions.

  2. In the left sidebar, select Extended Search filters. The list of Extended Search filters displays.

From the Actions menu, you can:

  • Open the filter in Jira search,

  • Manually sync the filter,

  • Edit the filter JQL,

  • Edit the filter name, and

  • Delete a filter.

Editing or deleted an Extended Search filter should always be done from the Extended Search filters page, not directly in Jira.

Sync a filter manually

If several filters are used across your instance, you can prioritize a sync to ensure critical filters are up to date when needed. The Last Reindexed column shows the time of the last sync and the no sync status of filters that are not included in the automatic sync process.

To perform a manual sync:

  1. Go to the Extended Search filters page and locate the required filter.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More options … icon, then select Sync filter from the list of actions. A status message displays.

  3. Once the sync is complete, click Confirm. Do not close the web page during a manual sync.

Edit a filter query

To edit a filter query:

  1. Go to the Extended Search filters page and locate the required filter.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More options … icon, then select Edit query.

  3. Enter a new query and click the Search icon.

  4. Click Save. The edited filter appears on the Extended Search filters page.

Rename a filter

To change a filter name:

  1. Go to the Extended Search filters page and locate the required filter.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More options icon, then select Edit name.

  3. Enter a new filter name, then click Save.

Delete a filter

To delete a filter:

  1. Go to the Extended Search filters page and locate the required filter.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More options icon, then select Delete.

  3. Click Delete to proceed.

Filters are normally deleted in Jira during this process. If the filter was deleted in Jira before being deleted in JQL Search Extensions, you can still delete it from a list.

Filter owners

Admins can change the owner of shared filters in Jira. Once the owner is changed in Jira, you should wait a few minutes for JQL Search Extensions to detect the change. If the filter's owner changes, it is removed from the current user's filter list but not from the system. The new owner can use the filter.

To change a filter owner:

  1. From the top navigation bar in Jira, select Filters > View all filters and locate the required filter.

  2. Select the More options icon, then select Change owner from the list of options.

  3. Select a new owner, then click Change owner.

Share filters

Extended Search filters are shared with other authenticated Jira users by default.

To change the filter permissions:

  1. From the top navigation bar in Jira, select Filters > View all filters and locate the required filter.

  2. Select the More options icon, then select Edit from the list of options.

  3. Under Viewers or Editors, select the desired permissions then click Add. You can give edit permissions to groups or individual users. Learn more about sharing Jira filters in Atlassian’s documentation.

  4. Once you have made all the required changes, click Save.


Note the following limitations to Extended Search filters:

  • currentUser(), votedIssues(), watchedIssues() always use the filter owner user session and evaluate the filter owner user.

  • If you have not used a filter for seven days or more, it isn’t synced automatically. You can perform a manual sync to refresh your filter data anytime. Refer to the Extended Search filters page to confirm the last time your filters were synced correctly.