Action Examples - confluence *space*




Help request to list all space actions.


acli confluence -a "*space*"

Action list help was requested for client confluence. List was filtered using this generic expression: *space*.
│ Name                   │ Description                                                │ Required                 │ Optional                                                    │ Output  │ Replacement │
│                        │                                                            │                          │                                                             │ Formats │ Variables   │
│ runFromSpaceList       │ Run actions for each space. Defaults to global spaces      │                          │ limit, regex, regex2, personal, common, input, continue,    │         │ space       │
│                        │ only. Filtering available like for getSpaceList.           │                          │ simulate, field, file, encoding, clearFileBeforeAppend,     │         │ spaceName   │
│                        │                                                            │                          │ findReplace, findReplaceRegex                               │         │ spaceUrl    │
│ getSpaceList           │ Get list of spaces with regex filtering on space key or    │                          │ limit, regex, regex2, personal, file, append, columns,      │         │             │
│                        │ name. Also, use regex2 for filtering on space categories.  │                          │ encoding                                                    │         │             │
│                        │ Use personal to extend to personal spaces.                 │                          │                                                             │         │             │
│ getSpacePermissionList │ Get CSV list of user, group, and anonymous space           │                          │ space, personal, file, append, columns, encoding            │         │             │
│                        │ permissions. Defaults to all spaces.                       │                          │                                                             │         │             │
│ addSpace               │ Add a new space.                                           │ space or userId          │ name, description, home, blueprint, continue                │         │ space       │
│                        │                                                            │                          │                                                             │         │ spaceName   │
│                        │                                                            │                          │                                                             │         │ spaceUrl    │
│ updateSpace            │ Update space name and home page.                           │ space or userId          │ name, home                                                  │         │             │
│ removeSpace            │ Remove a space by key.                                     │ space                    │                                                             │         │             │
│ copySpace              │ Creates a new space and copies pages to the new space.     │ space                    │ name, description, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, replace,  │         │ space       │
│                        │ Other information can be copied as well based on other     │ newSpace or targetServer │ copyBlogs, copyAttachments, copyLabels, copyCategories,     │         │ spaceId     │
│                        │ parameters. By default, find replace logic applies only to │                          │ copyComments, copyPermissions, mergePermissions,            │         │ spaceUrl    │
│                        │ content. To also apply find replace logic to the title,    │                          │ commentPrefix, options, targetServer, targetUser,           │         │             │
│                        │ use --options applyFindReplaceOnTitles.                    │                          │ targetPassword, options, continue                           │         │             │
│ getSpace               │ Get space information.                                     │ space                    │                                                             │         │             │
│ exportSpace            │ Export a space to a file. Use an administrator level user  │ space                    │                                                             │         │             │
│                        │ as non-administrators may not have access to all pages.    │ exportType               │                                                             │         │             │
│                        │                                                            │ file                     │                                                             │         │             │

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