Action Examples - jira run?




Help request to list all run actions.


acli bobswift -a run?

│ Name                                │ Description                                 │ Required                          │ Optional                                    │ Output  │ Replacement          │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │                                             │ Formats │ Variables            │
│ run                                 │ Run actions from a file, list of input      │ file or input or standard input   │ common, input, continue, simulate, field,   │         │                      │
│                                     │ parameters, or standard input.              │                                   │ file, encoding, clearFileBeforeAppend,      │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplace, findReplaceRegex               │         │                      │
│ runIf                               │ Run actions only if a regex based condition │ value                             │ options, common, input, continue, simulate, │         │                      │
│                                     │ is met. Other parameters and behavior are   │ regex                             │ field, file, encoding,                      │         │                      │
│                                     │ the same as the run action. By default the  │ file or input or standard input   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │ regex is used as a find operation in the    │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│                                     │ value. Options parameter can be set to one  │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ or more of the following to modify the      │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ default behavior: literal - to treat the    │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ regex string as a literal string, exact -   │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ to require an exact match of the value,     │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ negative - to reverse the condition so a    │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ match means do NOT run action.              │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│ runFromSql                          │ Run actions generated by SQL provided by    │ sql or file                       │ driver, database, host, port, url, dbUser,  │         │                      │
│                                     │ the sql parameter, a file, or standard      │                                   │ dbPassword, propertyFile, common, input,    │         │                      │
│                                     │ input                                       │                                   │ continue, simulate, field, encoding,        │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromCsv                          │ Run actions generated from a CSV file.      │ file                              │ propertyFile, common, input, continue,      │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ simulate, field, encoding,                  │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromList                         │ Run actions for each entry in a list with   │ list                              │ list2, common, input, continue, simulate,   │         │ entry                │
│                                     │ corresponding entry replacement variable.   │                                   │ field, file, encoding,                      │         │ entry2               │
│                                     │ When file is provided, each action in the   │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │ options              │
│                                     │ file augmented by the common parameter will │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│                                     │ be run for each entry. Otherwise, just the  │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ action specified by the common parameter    │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ will be run. When available, list2 entries  │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ provide values for the entry2 replacement   │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ variable. By default, the entry2            │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ replacement variable is set in parallel     │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ with entry replacement variables for each   │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ action run. However, if --options           │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ listProcessing=serial is specified, each    │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ combination of entries from list and list2  │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│                                     │ will cause an action to run.                │                                   │                                             │         │                      │
│ runFromIssueList                    │ Run actions for each issue from an issue    │ jql or project                    │ limit, common, input, continue, simulate,   │         │ issue                │
│                                     │ list based on a jql search.                 │                                   │ field, file, encoding,                      │         │ issueId              │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │ issueUrl             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │ project              │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │                                             │         │ projectId            │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │                                             │         │ parent               │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │                                             │         │ parentId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │                                             │         │ parentUrl            │
│ runFromProjectList                  │ Run actions for each project with optional  │                                   │ lead, category, regex, limit, common,       │         │ project              │
│                                     │ filtering the same as for getProjectList.   │                                   │ input, continue, simulate, field, file,     │         │ projectId            │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ encoding, clearFileBeforeAppend,            │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplace, findReplaceRegex               │         │                      │
│ runFromVersionList                  │ Run actions for each version in a project   │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ project              │
│                                     │ with filtering options like getVersionList. │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ projectId            │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │ version              │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │ versionId            │
│ runFromComponentList                │ Run actions for each component in a         │ project                           │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ project              │
│                                     │ project.                                    │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ projectId            │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │ component            │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │ componentId          │
│ runFromAttachmentList               │ Run actions for a list of attachments for   │ issue                             │ limit, regex, common, input, continue,      │         │ issue                │
│                                     │ an issue.                                   │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ attachment           │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │ attachmentId         │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromGroupList                    │ Run action for each group with optional     │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ group                │
│                                     │ regex filtering on group name.              │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromCommentList                  │ Run action for each comment for an issue    │ issue                             │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ commentId            │
│                                     │ with optional regex filtering on the        │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │                      │
│                                     │ comment body.                               │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromRemoteLinkList               │ Run action for each remote link for an      │ issue                             │ link, regex, regex2, targetUser,            │         │ remoteLink           │
│                                     │ issue with optional filtering defined the   │                                   │ targetPassword, limit, common, input,       │         │ remoteLinkId         │
│                                     │ same as for getRemoteLinkList.              │                                   │ continue, simulate, field, file, encoding,  │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromUserList                     │ Run action for each user with similar       │ group or name or project and role │ regex, limit, includeInactive, common,      │         │ userId               │
│                                     │ filtering as getUserList.                   │                                   │ input, continue, simulate, field, file,     │         │ userKey              │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ encoding, clearFileBeforeAppend,            │         │ userDisplayName      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplace, findReplaceRegex               │         │                      │
│ runFromLinkList                     │ Run action for each issue link for an issue │ issue or jql                      │ limit, regex, options, common, input,       │         │ fromIssue            │
│                                     │ or issues selected by JQL including         │                                   │ continue, simulate, field, file, encoding,  │         │ toIssue              │
│                                     │ filtering just like with getLinkList.       │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │ linkType             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │ linkTypeId           │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │                                             │         │ linkDescription      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │                                             │         │ linkId               │
│ runFromProjectCategoryList          │ Run action for each project category with   │                                   │ limit, regex, options, common, input,       │         │ category             │
│                                     │ filtering like with getProjectCategoryList. │                                   │ continue, simulate, field, file, encoding,  │         │ categoryId           │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromShortcutList                 │ Run actions for each shortcut matching      │ project                           │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ shortcut             │
│                                     │ selection criteria similar to               │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ shortcutId           │
│                                     │ getShortcutList.                            │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromPermissionSchemeList         │ Run action for each permission scheme with  │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ scheme               │
│                                     │ optional regex filtering on name.           │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ schemeId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromWorkflowList                 │ Run action for each workflow with regex     │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ workflow             │
│                                     │ filtering on workflow name.                 │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromWorkflowSchemeList           │ Run action for each workflow scheme with    │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ scheme               │
│                                     │ regex filtering on workflow scheme name.    │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ schemeId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromScreenList                   │ Run action for each screen with optional    │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ screen               │
│                                     │ regex filtering on name.                    │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ screenId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromScreenSchemeList             │ Run action for each screen scheme with      │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ scheme               │
│                                     │ optional regex filtering on name.           │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ schemeId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromIssueTypeScreenSchemeList    │ Run action for each issue type screen       │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ scheme               │
│                                     │ scheme with optional regex filtering on     │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ schemeId             │
│                                     │ name.                                       │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromIssueTypeSchemeList          │ Run action for each issue type scheme with  │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ scheme               │
│                                     │ optional regex filtering on name.           │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ schemeId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromFieldConfigurationSchemeList │ Run action for each field configuration     │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ fieldConfiguration   │
│                                     │ scheme with optional regex filtering on     │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ fieldConfigurationId │
│                                     │ name.                                       │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromFieldConfigurationList       │ Run action for each field configuration     │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ fieldConfiguration   │
│                                     │ with optional regex filtering on name.      │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ fieldConfigurationId │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromNotificationSchemeList       │ Run action for each notification scheme     │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ scheme               │
│                                     │ with optional regex filtering on name.      │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ schemeId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromIssueSecuritySchemeList      │ Run action for each issue security scheme   │                                   │ regex, limit, common, input, continue,      │         │ scheme               │
│                                     │ with optional regex filtering on name.      │                                   │ simulate, field, file, encoding,            │         │ schemeId             │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │                      │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │
│ runFromApplicationLinkList          │ Run actions for each application link.      │                                   │ type, limit, regex, common, input,          │         │ applicationLink      │
│                                     │ Filtering available like for                │                                   │ continue, simulate, field, file, encoding,  │         │ applicationLinkId    │
│                                     │ getApplicationLinkList.                     │                                   │ clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace,         │         │ applicationUrl       │
│                                     │                                             │                                   │ findReplaceRegex                            │         │                      │

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