Quality is very important at Bob Swift Atlassian Apps. We strive to deliver quality software and support at all times. We know we will make mistakes and do not meet all expectations, but we are committed to continuous improvement. In some areas we have some catching up to do .
- Software that installs and works as documented
- Software that meets the expectations of the customer and user and provides an enjoyable user experience
- Marketing information that is accurate and helps the customer make an informed decision
- Documentation and How to's that helps customers and users with the products
- Self-service defect and tracking (Jira) information that is openly available, searchable (google), and accurate
- Support response that is timely, accurate, and helpful to resolve usage and product issues
- Respond to Atlassian Community questions
- A web site that is functional, useful, and provides an enjoyable user experience
How can you help?
- Use self-service information and documentation including Help, How to's, this web site's Confluence and Jira, Google, and Atlassian Community
- Contribute your knowledge and techniques for others to build on
- Make us aware of new requirements, problems, and other ways to improve
- Make a support request or ask questions
- Try to provide accurate and complete information
- Accurately convey the urgency and impact of your request
- Have realistic expectations - not all requests can be met in a timely manner with the resources available
- Help prioritize requests by voting for appropriate Jira issues
Here are some of the techniques and tools we use to help meet our quality goals and continuously deliver software customers want and need.
- Modern programming and build tools including Java, Gradle, Groovy, VSCode, Eclipse, Maven
- Software version control using Git, Bitbucket, and Source Tree
- Software testing using Gint - Gradle Integration Test and Automation Framework - over 10000 testcases
- Build and test automation using Bamboo - over 100 plans
- Automation for web site management
- Repeatable processes and process automation
- Eat our own dog food
- Internally use Appfire Command Line Interface (CLI) and related add-ons, SQL for Confluence, Advanced Tables for Confluence, Scripting for Confluence, Cache for Confluence, Graphviz Diagrams for Confluence, Run CLI Actions in Confluence, Run CLI Actions in Bamboo, Groovy Tasks for Bamboo, and other plugins to maintain the web site, manage processes, and business reporting
- Automated release and snapshots downloads and documentation management
- Web site is Atlassian Cloud with Confluence, Jira, and Service Desk
- Agile Teams Deliver - a brief article that most closely summarizes our agile development philosophy
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