Google Maps API key

Google Maps API key


This configuration is only necessary if you use any Custom Fields from JSU.

Insert a Google Maps API key

  1. Create a valid Google Maps API. For more information see Google's documentation for the Google Maps platform.

  2. Enable GeoCoding API from APIs & Services after generating the API key. From Google Console, select ACTIVATE APIS AND SERVICES > GEOLOCATION API > Activate.

  3. In the top navigation bar in Jira, select the Administration cog icon then select Manage Apps.

  4. Under JSU,  select Maps Configuration.

    Screenshot of the Maps Configuration page for JSU.
  5. Enter your valid Google Maps API in the dedicated field then select Save.

  6. Configure one of JSU's custom fields then check that everything is working properly.

As of June 22, 2016, Google Maps API no longer supports keyless access (any request that doesn't include an API key).