Use cases
Here are some of the use cases this add-on helps you solve:
You build a team dashboard and/or filter. The dashboard/filter is a team asset, and you would like to allow your team members to see it and contribute by editing it. This way, you can all work on the same dashboard/filter, access the same information, promote visibility and a faster working pace, and be more efficient as a team.
Solution: Simply share the ownership of the dashboard or filter you created with your team members by adding them as co-owners through the "Share ownership" field. They can perform changes at any time by clicking the "Take ownership" option.
You own a dashboard or filter, and during your absence, you would like to delegate its maintenance to some of your colleagues.
Solution: Share the ownership of the dashboard/filter with the colleagues replacing you. They will be able to edit the dashboard during your absence.
As a JIRA admin, you need to transfer the ownership of a dashboard or filter to a new user.
Solution: Simply use the 'Change owner' option conveniently located on the dashboard/filter pages.
You are a JIRA admin and you are asked to perform dashboard/filter updates while the owner of the dashboard/filter is absent.
Solution: Simply take ownership of the dashboard/filter (using the 'Change owner' option conveniently located on the dashboard). When you complete your changes, you can transfer ownership back to the original owner.