\uD83E\uDD14 Problem
When transitioning items from ADO to Jira, an error message like: ‘Not available transition to the desired status
’ is visible.
This error usually happens when the Jira workflow does not have global transitions, which is how Azure DevOps workflows work.
\uD83C\uDF31 Solution
Global transitions are strongly recommended when working on initial synchronizations and continuous synchronizations; that way, the Jira workflow can mirror how workitems behave in Azure DevOps.
For example, when starting an initial synchronization from Azure DevOps to Jira, the new Jira issue will follow the transition changes the workitem had.
If the Jira workflow is configured like this:
The workitem migration to Jira might fail, even when all statuses are mapped in TFS4JIRA, because the workitem historical transitions are like this:
According to the Jira workflow above, there isn’t an available transition from the ‘Open’ status to the ‘On Hold' status, so this workitem would be migrated to Jira to the incorrect status ‘Open’ instead of the 'In Review’ status.
To prevent this kind of error, global transitions should be added to each state of the Jira workflow.
Changing the workflow transitions to global transitions will allow all Jira users to use them. If this is not the desired result, then these global transitions should have a condition that only allows the TFS4JIRA add-on to use them.