You can add a Comala Document Management workflow
to an individual page or blog post (page workflow)
across all documents (pages and blog posts) in a space (space workflow)
Adding a page workflow copies a selected workflow template to a page. You can add a different workflow to each page in a space. Only one workflow can be active on a document at a time, so you must remove an existing page workflow to add a new one.
With Confluence view and edit permission for the page or blog post, you can only add a page workflow if there is no active space workflow.
Adding and applying a space workflow to centrally manage your documentation process across all documents in your space is recommended. Making a space workflow active overrides a workflow added individually to pages or blog posts by adding the same workflow template to all the documents. A space workflow can only be added if you have space administrator permission in the space.
Adding a page workflow to an individual page or blog post
When Comala Document Management is installed in your instance, a user with view and edit permission selects and adds a workflow to an individual page or blog post by choosing theĀ Add Workflow byline on the page (or the Add Page workflow option in the page tools menu).
In the Add a workflow dialog box
choose Add Workflow to this Page
A space administrator has the option to open the space settings using the Add Workflow to this Space option.
choose the Add Workflow to this Page option to open the workflow picker and select a workflow
The workflow picker workflows are those listed in the space in the document management dashboard in the space settings. If required, you can scroll down in the workflow picker to view all the available workflows.
When a workflow is highlighted in the picker, you can select View Detail to display a visual flowchart and a text description of the workflow.
In the workflow picker
select the workflow to add to the page or blog post
choose Apply to add the workflow to the page or blog post
An on-screen notification confirms the successful addition of the page workflow.
The initial state of the added workflow is displayed as a byline breadcrumb on the page or blog post.
You can refresh the page to display the added workflow byline.
You can use the workflow popup ellipsis menu options to view the workflow document activity report for the page, to access the product documentation and view details of the added workflow.
Page tool menu options with an added page workflow
When a page workflow is added to the page, the page tools menu includes additional options.
Show Workflow displays the current workflow name and visual flowchart
Document Activity displays the document activity report for the current page or blog post
Remove Page Workflow is used to remove the page workflow from the page or blog post
Related pages
- Add a workflow to an individual page
- Apply a workflow to all documents in a space
- Custom workflows
- Workflows included with the app
- Activate multiple space workflows and apply them based on labels