Incoming Mail Processing Functions

Incoming Mail Processing Functions

As opposed to the server routines, we use here full structures because we have access to the whole email.


string subject; string body; string htmlBody; string [] to; string [] cc; string [] from; string [] replyTo; IncomingEmailHeader [] headers; IncomingEmailAttachment [] attachments; string contentType; date sentAt; date receivedAt; int size; IncomingMail [] embeddedMessages;


string name; string value;


string fileName; string contentType; int size; byte [] content;

Example usage

Standard processing:

IncomingEmail mail = getIncomingEmail(); string issueKey = mail.subject; if(issueExists(issueKey)) { // add comment string commentText = mail.body; string userCommenting = getUserByEmail(mail.from).key; addComment(issueKey, userCommenting, commentText); attachAllFilesFromEmail(issueKey); } else { // create issue string summary = mail.subject; string description = mail.body; string [] fields = {}; fields += {"reporter", getUserByEmail(mail.from).key}; createIssue("SCRUM", "", "Task", summary , "Minor", description, {}, "", "", fields); }



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