PE - Using Prometheus Exporter for Bamboo

Once you configure your Prometheus Exporter app, you can expose the following metrics into Prometheus:

Metrics description


JVM metrics

JVM metrics exposed with the Confluence exporter are the same as for Jira, see detailed description here.

See JVM examples below.

Agent metrics

bamboo_all_agents_gaugeGaugeAll agents gauge
bamboo_active_agents_gaugeGaugeActive agents gauge
bamboo_busy_agents_gaugeGaugeBusy agents gauge

Application statistics

bamboo_error_countCounterNumber of errors
bamboo_lifecycle_state_gaugeGaugeServer lifecycle state.
0 - setup
1 - starting
2 - running
3 - pausing
4 - preparing_for_restart
5 - ready_for_restart
6 - paused
This metric is available for Bamboo versions 1.0.6 and above.

Builds statistics

bamboo_finished_build_countCounterFinished builds count. See example below.
bamboo_canceled_build_countCounterCanceled builds count
bamboo_build_queue_timeout_countCounterBuild queue timeout count

Plan statistics



Plans count.
This metric is available for Bamboo versions 1.0.5 and above.



Workers idle gauge.
This metric is available for Bamboo versions 1.0.5 and above.


GaugeWorkers busy gauge.
This metric is available for Bamboo versions 1.0.5 and above.


GaugeWorkers queue gauge.
This metric is available for Bamboo versions 1.0.5 and above.

Deploy statistics

bamboo_finished_deploys_countCounterFinished deploys count

License metrics

bamboo_maintenance_expiry_days_gaugeGaugeMaintenance expiry days gauge
bamboo_license_expiry_days_gaugeGaugeLicense expiry days gauge
bamboo_allowed_users_gaugeGaugeAllowed users gauge

Workers statistics

bamboo_plans_workers_idle_gaugeGaugePlan workers idle gauge
bamboo_plans_workers_busy_gaugeGaugePlan workers busy gauge
bamboo_plans_workers_queue_gaugeGaugePlan workers queue size gauge

Queue timeout counter

JVM metrics examples

 JVM threads

 Memory usage

Builds example

 Successful builds

See also

Configuring Prometheus Exporter for Bamboo