Tableau Connector Pro for Jira app integrates with Insight in Jira Service Management. This integration further extends the capabilities of Insight asset and configuration management in Jira cloud and DC/Server to visualize the required data for actionable insights in Tableau. With this integration, you can import Insight Attributes and Insight Types field information to Tableau Desktop.
Tableau Connector Pro for Jira - Cloud and DC/Server app (version 4.1.0 and above) offers Insight integration for WDC (Legacy).
Tableau Connector Pro for Jira requires Tableau Desktop software to function.
Pre-requisite to use Insight (Assets):
To use Assets for the Jira Cloud, you need to have Jira Service Management Cloud Premium or Enterprise. For more information, refer to Assets in Jira Service Management.
To use Assets for the Jira Data Center, you need to install Jira Service Management Data Center 4.15 or above. For more information, refer to Assets for Jira Service Management Data Center.
Steps to integrate Tableau Connector Pro for Jira and Insight in Jira Service Management
Insight is now called Assets. For more information, refer to Insight is now called Assets.
It is required to define a custom field in Jira to import the values of Insight Attributes and Insight Types.
Navigate to Jira > Tableau Connector Pro > My Connectors > WDC (Legacy) and copy the Tableau Web Data Connector URL. For more information, refer to My Connectors - WDC(Legacy).
2. Navigate to Tableau Desktop > Web Data Connector. Enter the Tableau Web Data Connector URL to Tableau Desktop as a data source to import the data into Tableau. For more information, refer to Import into Tableau - WDC(Legacy).
3. Specify the JQL to pull the issues for this data source and click Continue.
4. A form displays the Jira and JSM fields. The Insight Attributes and Insight Types list the Insight fields.
Import the Insight data
Cloud - Tableau Connector Pro for Jira
Email and API Token
To import the Insight data, you need to set up the Email and API Token once. Enter the Email and API Token to grant access to Insight data and select the required Insight fields for the data source. Click Continue.
To generate a token, click Email and API Token.
Make sure to use the current instance's valid Email and API token. Providing invalid details will result in not fetching the Insight data. To know about the checks performed before importing Insight data, refer to Form validation.
You can Change API Token for Connectors if required. To change the token, edit the connection.
Insight Attributes
Insight Attributes define an Insight object type. Each object type has its own set of attributes. For more information, refer to Understand how Assets is structured.
AQL for Insight (Asset) Objects: Provide the AQL query to filter the Insight Objects data. To validate the AQL, click Validate AQL Syntax. On successful validation, an ✅ appears.
AQL for Insight (Asset) Objects is available from version 4.2.0.
If the AQL query syntax is not correct, an error message appears. For more information, refer to AQL syntax validation.
to know more about Asset Query Language syntax and usage. Refer to How to use Asset Query Language syntax?.
Select the required Insight Attributes to import.
Insight Types
Insight Types defines the objects that the object schema contains. For more information, refer to Understand how Assets is structured.
Insight (Asset) Object Schemas: The Insight (Asset) Object Schemas drop-down lists all the available Object schemas in the Assets. The default value is All schemas.
You can select one or multiple Insight Object Schemas.
The Insight Object Schemas drop-down value is set to the default value of All schemas if:
None of the Object schemas is selected.
The selection consists of All schemas and any other Object Schemas.
Select the required Insight Type fields to import.
The Object Schemas drop-down lists only the default value of All schemas when creating a new datasource connection. To view all the available schemas in the drop-down, save the new connection and open it again in the Edit mode.
d. To import the Insight data, click Continue. To know about the checks performed before importing Insight data, refer to Form validation.
Data Center - Tableau Connector Pro for Jira
To import the Insight data, select the required Insight fields for the data source and click Continue.
Insight Attributes
Insight Attributes define an Insight object type. Each object type has its own set of attributes. For more information, refer to Understand how Assets is structured.
AQL for Insight (Asset) Objects: Provide the AQL query to filter the Insight Objects data. To validate the AQL, click Validate AQL Syntax. On successful validation, an ✅ appears.
AQL for Insight (Asset) Objects is available from version 4.2.0.
If the AQL query syntax is not correct, an error message appears. For more information, refer to AQL syntax validation.
to know more about Asset Query Language syntax and usage. Refer to How to use Asset Query Language syntax.
Select the required Insight attributes to import.
Insight Types
Insight type defines the objects that the object schema contains. For more information, refer to Understand how Assets is structured.
Insight (Asset) Object Schemas: The Insight Object Schemas drop-down lists all the available Object schemas in the Assets. The default value is All schemas. Select the Object Schemas.
Select the required Insight Type fields to import.
Click Continue. To know about the checks performed before importing Insight data, refer to Form validation.
Data imported in Tableau Desktop
The Insight data gets imported and appears in a table format in Tableau.
Form validation
On the click of Continue, the form is validated for the Email and API Token, and the AQL syntax in sequence before importing the Insight data.
The error message is displayed if the Email or API Token values are invalid. To proceed to the next step, provide valid credentials.
The AQL syntax is validated once the Email and API Token pass the validation check. The error message is displayed if the AQL syntax is not valid. For more information about error handling, refer to AQL syntax validation.