Tickets Created/Resolved/Unresolved by Month

Report purpose: Determine the Number of tickets being created vs number of tickets getting resolved and number of tickets staying unresolved for each month


The report is created using Reports and Timesheets for Jira app.

  1. Create a calculated field from JiraReports and TimesheetsMy Area My Calculated Fields Create New Field, as per the screenshot below.



  2. Go to JiraReports and TimesheetsCustom Report

  3. Change the report type to Chart > Bar

  4. Add Created field to X-Axis and Count of Issues field to Y-Axis

  5. Change the Created date format to MM-yyyy



  6. Click “Done” and then click “Add another Axis”. Add Resolved date to Axis 2 > X-Axis and Count of Issues to Axis 2 > Y-Axis


  7. Add another Axis. Set X-Axis = UnResolved, Y-Axis = Count of Issues, Filters = Resolved > is empty


  8. Save and Run the report

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