This script will move a page to a space to be archived when the workflow is put into a specific state.
//create structs for JSON struct state { string name; string initial; string colour; string hideStates; string taskable; string changeDueDate; string final; } struct comalaState { string expand; string workflowName; state state; string [] messages; } if(space != "AS") { //exclude from archive space //Create request HttpRequest request; HttpHeader authHeader = httpBasicAuthHeader("admin", "admin"); request.headers += authHeader; //Post data and get response comalaState cs = httpGet("http://localhost:8090/rest/cw/1/content/" + id + "/status", request); if( == "Archive") { //checks the current state addComment(id, "Moving page to archive space"); //adds comment to page number archiveHome = getPage("AS", "Archive Space Home"); //gets id of the archive spaces home page movePage(id, archiveHome); //moves page under the archive space } }
This script uses the Comala REST API to get the current state of the workflow. Once the getComalaState() routine is developed the first 29 lines of code will be removed. The script using the new routine would look like this:
if(space != "AS" AND getComalaState() == "Archive") { //exclude from archive space and check state addComment(id, "Moving page to archive space"); //adds comment to page number archiveHome = getPage("AS", "Archive Space Home"); //gets id of the archive spaces home page movePage(id, archiveHome); //moves page under the archive space }
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