Additional Filter Options

Additional filter options are available under the following button:

Clear active filters

Deactivate all filters:

  • Overview module

  • Gantt module

  • Resources module

  • Calendar module

Hide parent boxes in the results

When a filter is enabled, all out-of-filter parent building boxes are hidden.

Applies to:

  • Overview module


Hide parent tasks in the results

Use this option to see only items that match the search terms. Parent tasks that normally would be greyed out are hidden. Tasks are displayed as a flat structure.

Applies to:

  • Gantt module

  • Resources module

Parent tasks are NOT hidden:

Parent tasks are hidden


Affects - manual changes of WBS structure

When filtering is active and the Hide parent tasks in results option has been selected you can NOT change the tree structure of tasks (move up, move down, indent, outdent, drag-and-drop).

Show all Basic tasks in the results

To see all basic tasks even when filters are active, use the Show all Basic tasks in results option. The option applies to all filtering methods.

Applies to:

  • Gantt module

  • Resources module

To keep basic tasks visible when filters are active:

  1. Expand the Filter options menu.

  2. Check the Show all Basic tasks in results option.

Apply current filters to all modules

When the box is checked, any changes made (filters applied/ modified/ cleared) apply across all modules.

Applies to:

  • Gantt module

  • Resources module

  • Calendar module