

The search box functionality will help you quickly find the things you're interested in, and filter out unwanted tasks or Boxes.

Text search mode

You can search the task list using the text fields of your tasks.

In the case of the Overview module which shows Boxes, you can text search using:

  • Box ID

  • Box Name

  • Box Description

For example, the word 'projects' is used in the description of two Boxes:

Active Search

The active search box is NOT cleared automatically when you switch to another module and then return to the module where you used the search box.

Applying Filters

You will see an orange dot on the filter icon when the filter is active.

Tasks that do NOT match the filter will be greyed out. This applies to parent tasks so you can trace how lower-level tasks contribute to higher-level items.

Deleting the search

To clear the search box:

  • Delete your search query and press the enter key

  • Click X on the magnifying glass button

Snipe to task

Snipe to task is a feature that highlights each task that fits the search criteria. The whole row is highlighted not only a searched text. Given task(s) is visible on WBS and on a timeline.

 You can switch between the results using the arrows: