This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.

View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.

Enabling Support Features

The Support tab on the Dataplane Reports » Administration page shows a number of key properties of your Jira and Dataplane instance. This information is particularly helpful to reference whenever working with Arsenale Support to debug and resolve a possible Dataplane issue.

Enabling Debug Logging

When working with Arsenale Support, you may be asked to enable Dataplane debug logging on this page to see and share more-verbose Dataplane status information. To enable this feature, click the Enabled checkbox next to the Debug Logging option. 

Logging to a Separate Dataplane Log File

By default, Dataplane log output is intermixed with all other Jira application log output in file JIRA HOME/log/atlassian-jira.log. When debugging Dataplane, it's often most useful to see the app's log output in this context, in order to understand what else was going on in Jira during Dataplane activity and error conditions.

But sometimes it can be useful to direct all Dataplane log output to its own, separate log file; for example, if the default Jira log is too noisy with information, or Dataplane itself is overwhelming the default Jira log with too much detail.

To direct Dataplane log output to its own log file:

  1. Append the following statements to the bottom of file atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/, located in your Jira installation directory. These changes create a dedicated JIRA HOME/log/dataplane.log file, with up to ten, 20MB log file rotations.

    # Arsenale Dataplane - log output to "dataplane.log"
    log4j.appender.dataplanelog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %t %p %X{jira.username} %X{} %X{} %X{jira.request.ipaddr} %X{jira.request.url} [%q{2}] %m%n
    log4j.appender.dataplanelog.layout.FilteringApplied=true = WARN, console, dataplanelog = false
  2. After modifying the file, restart Jira to pick up the new logging configuration.

If running multiple Jira Data Center nodes, repeat the above steps for EACH Jira node in the cluster.

When updating Jira versions, file atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/ will be replaced. Remember to re-apply the above logging configuration changes after each Jira version update.

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