This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.

View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.

Configuring Reports

Selecting Issues

The Search bar is the main control used to select the Jira projects and issues to be included in your report.

The Search bar can be used in two different modes, identified by the two tabs above the text input region. Which mode is selected determines the type of text you will enter in the Search text box.

With the tab labeled Projects / Categories / Boards / Filters selected, you can quickly select the projects, project categories, Jira Software boards and saved Jira filters of interest from a dropdown list.  

Switch to the JQL tab if you wish to directly enter an advanced Jira Query Language (JQL) search instead.

Dataplane's search bar was specially designed to provide fast and intuitive Jira issue selection across the spectrum of Jira users in your organization, including:

  • new and casual Jira users who are familiar with just the basics of their team's projects and issues,
  • regular Jira users who work with multiple projects, understand project categories and have defined their own Jira search filters for qualified issue review, and
  • Jira power users who do advanced searches in the Jira Issue Navigator and craft sophisticated Jira Query Language (JQL) statements for complex searches.

The red asterisk (" * ") next to the search bar indicates that it is a required entry for every report.

Using the Projects, Categories, Boards and Filters Selector

Arsenale Dataplane's default search option provides direct, dropdown selection of one or more projects, project categories, Jira Software boards or Jira issue filters.  The Projects / Categories / Boards / Filters tab over the search box will be highlighted in blue when using this type of search.

To make a selection, click the text box to open a dropdown list of all Jira projects, project categories, Jira Software boards and Jira issue filters. You can also start typing the first few characters of the project/category/board/filter name if you already know it. While typing, Dataplane suggests matching options from the dropdown list to match the text being typed.

For instance, in the example below, the user wants to report on their "Support" project and starts typing s u p p. This displays the following matches in their Jira instance, including a project, a project category, and a handful of filter options. Note that the text typed by the user must appear at the start of a matching word in the project, category or filter. For example, typing "supp" will match "Support", but "port" will not.

You can select multiple projects, project categories Jira Software boards or Jira issue filters to be reported on at once.  

You may even mix and match between these types of selections. In the example below, the user has selected a report based on a saved filter named "Assigned to Me - No Due Date", which is augmented by all issues from the project named "Arsenale Lockpoint".

You will quickly come to love the flexibility of these Arsenale Dataplane searches, allowing effortless cross-project and cross-category reporting.

Advanced Issue Selection with JQL

For advanced users and more sophisticated searches, click on the JQL search tab to enter a search statement for your report using Jira Query Language (JQL).

This JQL text entry box works exactly like Jira's Advanced Search JQL box in the Jira Issue Navigator, including auto-complete and on-the-fly syntax checking.


If you are unfamiliar with building a query using JQL, Atlassian provides a good primer on JQL syntax.  

The auto-complete feature will serve up options for existing projects, categories and filters as well as more advanced JQL syntax for compound statements and the like.

Here are some commonly-used JQL queries to try:

Selecting by Project:

project = "Acme Inc. Services"
project in ("Acme Inc. Services", "ClientCo Media Work", "Service Concepts")


Selecting by Project Category:

category = Products
category in (Products, Ops, Support)


Selecting by Saved Filter:

filter = "Open Issues - Assigned to Me"


Selecting with More Advanced, Compound Statements:


project = "Acme Inc. Services" AND assignee = "Thomas Jefferson" AND resolution is EMPTY
category in (Products, Ops, Support) AND affectedVersion in ("0.9.0", "0.9.1")

Selecting Dates and Reporting Intervals

Many reports in Arsenale Dataplane are historic in nature, meaning that they evaluate the past state of Jira issues in your system, while other reports operate on the current state of issues.

Start Date and End Date

For historic reports, the Start Date and End Date controls allow you to select a specific date range over which to report data. If you supply a Start Date but you leave the End Date blank, the end date of the report will automatically default to the end of the current day, week, month, quarter or year (depending on the value of the Interval control).


The Interval control controls whether the results will be aggregated on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Instead of selecting from the dropdown, you can also use the keyboard to type the first few characters of the option to select it.

Time Period

Instead of specifying an explicit Start Date and End Date, you can also use the automatic Time Period control to select a range of dates relative to whenever the report is run. For example, you could select a time period of "Last 12 Months" or "Last 4 Weeks" to include results from the indicated time period.

The automatic date ranges available in the Time Period control are:

This YearThis QuarterThis MonthThis WeekLast 7 Days
Last YearLast QuarterLast MonthLast WeekLast 14 Days
This Year to Date Last 3 MonthsLast 4 WeeksLast 30 Days
  Last 12 Months  

To use an automatic date range, you can select it from the dropdown, or you can also use the keyboard to type a partial match of the option name. For example, typing "last w" can be used to select the Last Week option, and typing "this q" will select the This Quarter option.

Other date ranges can be entered by selecting the Custom option (or by simply specifying a value in the Start Date and End Date controls).

Including this Month/Week/Day

The Including this Month and related checkboxes automatically appear when you have selected any of the "Last xx Months", "Last xx Weeks" and "Last xx Days" intervals. By default, this checkbox is enabled, and it tells Dataplane to include the current interval in the report.

For example, assume that today's date is May 15 2015 and you run a monthly report with a time period of "Last 12 Months". If you enable the "Including this month" checkbox, the report date range would include June 1 2014 to May 31 2015. Instead, if you disable the checkbox, the report date range would instead be May 1 2014 through Apr 30 2015.

Configuring the Chart Type

The Chart Type control allows users to configure the rendering of the output chart:

Depending on the specific report type selected, different chart type options may be available.

For current-value reports, including the Current Issue Values report as well as other reports in the Current Metrics category, the following chart types are available:

Bar ChartSegmentations are stacked horizontally across each bar.
Grouped Bar ChartSegmentations are shown as groups of distinct, non-stacked horizontal bars.
Normalized Bar ChartEach bar in the chart is normalized to 100%, and then segmentations are shown with relative percentages in each bar.
Vertical Bar ChartSegmentations are stacked vertically along each bar.
Vertical Grouped Bar ChartSegmentations are shown as groups of distinct, non-stacked vertical bars.
Normalized Vertical Bar ChartEach bar in the chart is normalized to 100%, and then segmentations are shown with relative percentages in each bar.
Pie ChartEach segmentation in the chart is shown as an individual pie segment.

Multiple Pie Chart

For the Current Issue Values report, the first Segment By option is used to divide each segment into a specific pie chart, and the subsequent Segment By options are used to divide the segments within the individual pie charts.

For other reports in the Current Metrics category, the key metric is used to divide the segment into a specific pie chart. For example, in the Current Affects Version report, each Affects Version will have its own pie chart, just in the Current Assignees report, each Assignee will have its own pie chart.


For historical reports, the following chart types may be available, depending on the report type:

Column ChartSegmentations are stacked vertically in each bar.
Grouped Column ChartSegmentations are shown as groups of distinct, non-stacked vertical bars.
Normalized Column ChartEach bar in the chart is normalized to 100%, and then segmentations are shown with relative percentages in each bar.
Line ChartEach segmentation is plotted as a distinct line.
Range ChartEach segmentation is plotted as a distinct line. The minimum and maximum values for each segmentation are also used to color the background area behind each line.
Area ChartEach segmentation is stacked on top of other segmentations.

Segmenting Results

Most reports provide the ability to segment (or break down) the results in the report chart and data table using the "Segment By" report option. Segmentation lets you group results by the value of one or more Jira issue fields or properties. 

Click in the Segment By select box to open a dropdown list of all possible segmentations, or just start typing if you already know the name of the field you are looking for. You may select any number of segmentations. The more options selected, the more fine grained your results data breakdown will be.

For historical reports, segmentation can be performed in one of two manners for any given issue field or property of interest: based on the current value of the issue field, or based on a past/historical value of the field. The value in the first section of the dropdown, Current Values, will show the current value of the issue field. To segment by a historical value, select that field's (Historical) derivative in the Historical Values section of the dropdown. Note that historical values are not supported in all reports or for all field types.

For example, suppose that you are using Arsenale Dataplane to display a report of issues created by date, segmented by assignee. If you ask Arsenale Dataplane to simply segment by assignee, it will group the issues in the output based on each issue's current assignee. However, if you ask it to segment by the historical assignee, it will group the issues based on the assignee that the issue had at the beginning of each selected interval.

Filtering by Historical Status

Some reports include the ability to filter issues based on their historical status at a specific point in time in the past. The primary reports that include this feature are Issue Values by Date report, the Issue Values Snapshots by Date report, and the Issue Values Snapshots Sum by Date report. These reports include a Statuses to Include control, as shown below:

This control allows the user to automatically include or exclude issues based on their historical status at each time interval plotted on the chart.

The All option is selected by default, and will include issues in all statuses in each reporting interval.

By selecting the Include selected control and entering one or more statuses in the text input box, Dataplane will only plot an issue if the issue was in one of the entered statuses at the start of the reporting interval. For example, to show only issues newly created at the start of a week, select "Include selected" and enter "Open" in the text box.

By selecting the Exclude selected control and entering one or more statuses in the text input box, Dataplane will plot all issues except those in one of the entered statuses at the start of the reporting interval. For example, this can be useful to exclude issues that were waiting for a customer or vendor response.

Plotting Standard or Cumulative Values

Some reports, such as Issues Entering Status by Date, provide the option to display regular interval values or cumulative values. By default, the Values radio button is selected and the regular values for each reporting interval are plotted. To plot cumulative values instead, select the Cumulative values radio button.

When Cumulative values is selected, the data table shown on the Data results tab includes columns for both cumulative and regular interval values.

Limiting the Number of Categories Displayed

For non-historical reports, including the Current Issue Values report, and reports in the Current Metrics category, use the Max Categories option to configure the maximum number of domain categories to display in the chart. 

By default, Dataplane displays up to 20 distinct categories in the report, corresponding to those categories containing the largest number of issues (or sum values). Any domain categories in excess of the Max Categories value are aggregated into a single category labeled "Other".

The following example shows a report where Max Categories has been set to five (5). The remaining categories are all included in "Other".

When report results display an "Other" category into which multiple categories have been aggregated, click the Data results tab to see a complete set of results data including all distinct, underlying categories.

Advanced Configuration Options

Click on the More Options link in the top-right corner of the report configuration to access additional, advanced configuration options.

Clicking on More Options toggles the display of the statistics, report descriptions, results to include, and Customizer Script section, which can be seen at the bottom of the report configuration page:

Configuring Report Descriptions

The Show Report Descriptions option in the More Options section allows you to configure the display of the two descriptions associated with each report.

The User description is blank by default, but it can be configured using the Description field in the Tools » Edit Properties dialog, or in the Description field when saving a report for the first time. A report must have been saved in order to enter a user description.

The Automatically-generated description is generated by Dataplane every time the report is run. This description includes information about the report itself, any options selected, the time range, and so on.

Any user description provided is always displayed first.

Configuring Statistics

Use the Show Statistics dropdown to add or remove any of the report statistics that you wish to display in the Summary section of your report. Not all reports have statistics available.

The following example shows the report output when only the Total Issues statistic was selected and all other statistics were excluded:

Configuring the Display of Zero Values

The Results to Include section is available only for historical (date-based) reports. The Only non-zero values option suppresses the display of rows that include zero issues (or a zero value, for reports that sum numeric fields). The suppression of zero rows applies to the data table only, not to the chart.

The zero rows will be suppressed from everywhere the data table is shown, including the in-browser display on the Data tab, the Excel and CSV exports, any dashboard gadgets configured to show the table, and the data table included at the end of PDF exports.

Selecting the Only non-zero values option will not cause any changes to the chart, although if the Average statistic value is displayed on the chart, its value may change (since Dataplane will now only consider non-zero intervals when calculating that average).

When Only non-zero values is not selected (which is the default), the data table for a report might appear as follows:

After selecting Only non-zero values, the data table would appear as shown below:

Configuring Customizer Scripts

Report Customizer Scripts allow you to programmatically customize your reports. Easily change series names and colors, modify chart axes, add goal lines and more.

See Customizing Reports with Scripts for a complete description of this powerful customization feature .

Running a Configured Report

Once you have filled in all of the required parameters, click the Run Report button to execute the report. Arsenale Dataplane will perform the required calculations and display the requested data.

Changing Configuration Options

To select different report configuration options and re-run the report, click the Configuration tab, which will switch the page back to the configuration panel. You may switch back and forth between the Configuration, Report and Data tabs at any time without losing information.

After you have made changes on the Configuration tab, you can click Run Report again to re-run the report and see the new results, and optionally click the Save button to update your saved report.

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