This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.

View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.

Enterprise and JIRA Data Center

Dataplane was designed to work well with enterprise-sized installations of JIRA Server, as well as with Atlassian's high-availability JIRA Data Center solution.

For most large JIRA installations, no special tuning is required. This pages describes some special topics that may be relevant to customers with large installations.

Clustered Dataplane Indexing

Dataplane maintains a real-time index of JIRA issue data. This index is stored as a new set of tables in the same database as JIRA itself, so no additional database setup is required.

When building the Dataplane index for the first time, or when incorporating incremental changes to the index, Dataplane runs a background indexer task to create these tables and add the appropriate changes to the index.

In a JIRA Data Center installation, this indexing task is performed on only one cluster node at a time. On startup, Dataplane will automatically select a cluster node to perform the indexing tasks. As cluster nodes are brought up and down, the indexing task will be automatically handed off to another live node in the cluster. For this reason, the node on which you click the "Build Index" button in the UI may not necessarily be the node that performs the underlying indexing work.

For performance reasons, the initial Dataplane index build process cannot be handed off to another node, so if you are building the Dataplane index for the very first time (or if you are performing an upgrade that necessitates a Dataplane reindex), you must ensure that the node performing the indexing operation remains up for the duration of the indexing process. If the node goes down in the middle of the index, the indexing process must be started again. If you have any questions about how to determine which node is performing the indexing, please contact Arsenale Support.

Database Connection Pool Tuning

By default, Dataplane will use up to 8 concurrent database connections, or 1/3rd of the total JIRA database connection pool, whichever value is larger. This allows Dataplane to use enough connections to support multiple concurrent report requests, but this limit also prevents Dataplane from starving the core JIRA application of database connections for other opertaions.

The defaults should be sufficient for most systems, but if you see slow-loading reports when many users are accessing the system, or if you see messages similar to the following in the JIRA log, you may wish to increase your connection limit:

Request for new database connection is likely to exceed maximum limit of <NUMBER> connections

You may also wish to consult JIRA's own database connection pool monitor to see how many connections are being used by JIRA and Dataplane together.

To directly tune the number of database connections used by Dataplane, you can configure the following JVM system parameter in your bin/


where <NUMBER> is the maximum number of database connections that Dataplane will attempt to use at a single time. All of these connections are used from within the standard JIRA JDBC connection pool, so the JIRA connection pool size must also be larger than the number you specify here.

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