Configuring TFS / VSTS check-ins synchronization

 TFS4JIRA allows JIRA users to view TFS / VisualStudio Team Services check-ins associated with a JIRA issue or a project. This tutorial contains instructions how to configure this synchronization. It is divided into three parts:

  1. Overview of components needed to synchronize TFS check-ins,
  2. Configuring TFS4JIRA Check-ins synchronization:
    1. Configuring TFS4JIRA check-ins synchronization using existing TFS4JIRA synchronization profile,
    2. Configuring TFS4JIRA check-ins synchronization from scratch,
  3. Connecting JIRA to TFS4JIRA Synchronizer.

This document is part of tutorial on configuring TFS / VSTS Check-ins synchronization. Please go to page Components participating in TFS / Azure DevOps check-ins synchronization to move to the next topic.