Common table capabilities - Cloud


This page lists common capabilities that the Advanced Table for Confluence macros provide when creating or updating tables. A Javascript enabled browser is required to enable most of these capabilities.


  • Column sorting - sort a column by clicking a column heading. Clicking again reverses the order. 
  • Data specific sorting - sort columns according to the type of data (text, numbers, dates, and so on). Click column heading to sort. See the Column types parameter for more information about supported data types.
  • Column selection - show or hide specific columns. Specify column names or numbers to be shown or hidden.
  • Download and export tables - download tables (available since version 2.7) or export as an attachment (available since version 2.8) as a CSV file. Specify custom file delimiter (available since version 2.9) for the table view to be downloaded or exported.
  • Data filtering - filter table data with regular expressions. See Regular expressions. Retains the row and column styles after filtering data.
  • Auto sort of selected column - automatically sort the table based on a specific column name or number before rendering the table on the page.
  • Auto numbering of rows - automatically add a leading column that contains the row number.
  • Auto totaling of numeric columns - automatically total the numeric columns specified in Column typesSee Column types for more information.
  • Row highlighting on mouseover - highlight a row when mouse goes over any row element for non-heading rows.
  • Row styles - set CSS styles at the row level. Can override default Confluence styles to apply user-defined styles to each row cell directly. Available since version 2.8.
  • Column styles - set CSS styles at the column level. Can override default Confluence styles to apply user-defined styles to each column cell directly. Available since version 2.8.
  • Column attributes - set HTML attributes for columns. Specify the required attributes in a comma-separated list where attributes for a column must be separated with double semi-colons (;;).

    Certain attributes such as style, class, colspan, rowspan, and so on, are rendered directly to the page. Other attributes are hidden from being displayed on the page but can be viewed from the page source (right-click the page and select View page source in most browsers).

  • Table attributes - set table class, table style, and row styles - See How to style table columns.

Common parameters

The parameters listed here are a part of our common table capabilities that are available to many macros that produce or modify tables.

Macro Editor LabelDefaultDescriptionMacro Parameter
Heading rows1

Enter the number of rows that act as heading rows. Heading rows are not included when columns are sorted.

This parameter is not available for the Attachment Table macro.

Footing rows0

Enter the number of rows that act as footing rows. Footing rows are not included when columns are sorted.

This parameter is not available for the Attachment Table macro.

Columns to show

Enter a comma-separated list of column names or numbers in any order. By default, all columns are displayed in their existing order. Note that columns are indexed beginning at "1" and excludes any auto-numbered columns.

This parameter is not available for the Table Plus macro.

Enable column sortingtrueDeselect this option to disable sorting of columns. By default, all columns are sorted automatically based on their column types.enableSorting
Enable row highlighting on mouse overtrueDisable this option to stop row highlighting as the mouse moves over a table row. By default, the row is highlighted as the mouse moves.enableHighlighting
Enable heading attributestrueDisable this option to apply the column attributes only to data rows. By default, any column attributes provided are applied to the all column rows including heading rows. enableHeadingAttributes
Auto number on each rowfalseEnable this option to show an additional column that displays the row number for each row. By default, the table rows are not numbered.autoNumber
Auto total rowfalse

Enable this option to append a row at the end of the table that contain the totals of all numeric columns. 

Specify the relevant numeric types in Column types to render the totals. See Column types for more information.

Allow download and exportfalse

Enable this option to allow download or export of the current table view as a CSV file. When enabled, download and export icons () are displayed to the right of the table. File is downloaded to the user's local file system, or is exported as an attachment to the current page. Note that only those users that have the permission to add attachments to the page are allowed to export tables.

Export file delimiter, (Comma)

Enter a single character to be used as a delimiter for the table to be downloaded or exported. By default, a comma (,) is used as the delimiter. Valid only if Allow download and export is enabled. Available since 2.9.0. 

  • Any character can be used as a delimiter for the table contents.
  • If multiple characters are entered in the text box, an error is displayed. Specify a single character in the macro editor to be used as a delimiter to complete the export process.
  • After the export is complete, the file contains the table data interspersed with the specified delimiter.

Display data filterfalse

Enable this option to see filter panel above the table to filter the data. Panel contains a text box to enter the required search criteria and buttons: Filter to proceed with the search, and Clear to clear the box to start a new search. Can use regular expressions. To know more about regular expressions, refer to this article

This parameter is not available for the Attachment Table macro.

Sort auto number columnfalse

Select this option to enable the auto number column to be sortable. This retains the original data row count even after row sorting. 

This parameter is not available for the Attachment Table macro.

Sort descendingfalseEnable this option to sort in the descending order, to be done automatically, before display. This works only if Auto sort column is specified.sortDescending
Show sort iconfalseEnable this option to include a sort icon in the first heading row for sortable columns. An icon is displayed for the last column sorted indicating the direction in which the column was sorted.sortIcon
Auto sort column
Enter a valid column name or number to automatically sort the table before it is displayed. No automatic sorting is done if this value is not provided or is invalid. A column number is indexed beginning at "1" and excludes any auto-numbered columns.sortColumn
Sort tip on mouse over

Enter the text to be displayed when the mouse is over a sortable column. 

Example: Click to sort or an equivalent translation.

Column types

Column types determine how column data can be sorted and displayed. By default, column data is treated as a text string, and thus, can be sorted automatically when a column heading is clicked. CSV macros may automatically generate more precise column types. When the default behavior is less than optimal for your situation, the Column types parameter can be set specifically.

Numeric types are right-aligned, by default. To display the totals of any numeric column(s), you must specify the relevant numeric type for the required columns in Column types, and enable the Auto total row option.

This table describes the behavior of the various types. 

Column calculations

When an auto total parameter is selected, this parameter can be used to customize the calculation or text that is shown on the total row. By default, all numeric fields, as specified by column types, are totaled. By specifying a comma separated list of calculation requests, the behavior can be modified using special values for the corresponding column.

The Max and Min Total type is available only for Advanced Tables for Confluence: Server and Data Center.

Row styles

Enter a comma-separated list of styles to be applied to the specified rows. Each style is made up of one or more properties. The first style is applied to all heading rows determined by the Number of heading rows parameter. The remaining styles are applied to the remaining rows in order with repetition as necessary. A style can be reused for subsequent rows by referring to it using a 1-based numeric reference. A column number is indexed beginning at "1" and excludes any auto-numbered columns. 

Row styles are applied to the table row and participate with other CSS properties to determine the look of an element. In particular, some properties can be overridden by table or element styles or classes.

Example: background:lightyellow, background:lightblue

Retain row style order after resortingtrueEnable this option to make the row styles correspond to the order in which the rows are displayed on the screen. If not selected, the original style given to a row is retained regardless of where the row lands after sorting.retainRowStyleOrder
Apply row style to individual cellfalseEnable this option to apply the styles mentioned in Row styles to each cell of the specified row(s). This option is used to override the default Confluence styles and make the user-defined styles persist for the specified table rows. Available since version 2.8.
Column styles

Enter a comma-separated list of styles to be applied to the columns in the specified sequence. Each style is made up of one or more CSS properties (semi-colon separated). If a column is skipped, supply a comma before adding the next columns style. A style can be reused for subsequent columns by referring to it using a 1-based numeric reference. A column number is indexed beginning at "1" and excludes any auto-numbered columns. 

Column styles are applied to the table column and participate with other CSS properties to determine the look of an element. In particular, some properties may be overridden by table, row, or element styles or classes.

Example: background:lightyellow, background:lightblue,1,2,1,2

Apply Column styles to data column cells
Enable this option to apply the styles mentioned in Row styles to each cell of the specified row(s). This option is used to override the default Confluence styles and make the user-defined styles persist for the specified table rows. Available since version 2.8.
Column attributes
Enter a comma-separated list of values used to modify cell HTML attributes for all cells in a column. The position in the comma-separated list corresponds to the column that the values apply to. Each value is a double semi-colon list of attributeName=value pairs to be applied to the column cells. See HTML attributes for more information.columnAttributes
Highlight colorlightgoldenrodyellowEnter a color to highlight when the mouse is over a row element. See Web Colors for instructions on how to specify this.highlightColor
Table idAuto generatedDisplays the table ID that can be referenced for use in other macros (like the Chart macro) or
Table class@default

Specify the table class (CSS) to apply to render tables.

  • @default - Apply the default Confluence table class to rendered tables.
  • @none - Do not apply any style to rendered tables.

Currently, Confluence Cloud does not support the use of custom user-defined styles.

Table style

Specify style attributes for the table.

Example: font-style:italic; background:lightblue;.

Table width

Enter width for the table border in pixels or as a percentage (%). It is recommended to use Table style instead. 

This parameter is not available for the Attachment Table macro.

Table border width

Enter width for the table border in pixels. Set Table class to blank if the width specified here is to be applied to the table. It is recommended to use Table style instead. 

This parameter is not available for the Attachment Table macro.



|columnAttributes=style="text-align:center;", ,style="background:yellow; font-size:14pt;"}
|| Name || Phone || TCP ||
| John | 555-1234 | |
| Mary Lou | 555-2134 | |
| Bob | 555-4527 | |


Styling guide

Utilize the common table capabilities of several Bob Swift Atlassian apps including Advanced Tables for Confluence, SQL for Confluence, and others for your table styling.

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