Styling CSV Macro Output

Styling CSV Macro Output

On this page


This page outlines an example demonstrating how to use the CSV macro, which is part of the Advanced Tables for Confluence add-on, to transform CSV data into an attractive Wiki table.

Macro Browser Input

Select this Macro

Macro NameCSV (Comma Separated Values)
Macro Syntax{csv}

Define these Parameters/Values

Output format wiki
Heading rows 1
Footing rows 0
Delimiter that separates columns whitespace
Table width 400px
Table border width 15



Wiki Markup Input

Month Max Min Average
January 25.5 *6.3* 15.9
February 32.4 12.8 22.6
March 44.6 24.5 34.6
April 59.7 37.1 48.4
May 72.5 48.7 60.6
June 81.3 57.9 69.6
July 85.2 62.8 74
August 82.5 60.7 71.6
September 73.7 51.7 62.7
October 61.1 40.1 50.6
November 43.6 27.4 35.5
December 29.9 13.6 21.8


Example Result


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