Uninstall the app - 8.x


If you no longer want to use the app and you still have pages using the app's macros, then to prevent errors on pages using the macros, remove the macros first. This page provides some tips on this.

Keep the app enabled and licensed until you have removed macro usage

If you already have disabled, uninstalled, or un-subscribed to the app, then you need to temporarily install or enable the app. You may need to do a "Try it free" if your license is invalid.

Finding pages using macros

See this answer for how to search for macros. Briefly stated search using something like: macroName: table-plus. This search does not find wiki style references to the macro in plain text macro bodies, so you should also do a text search like: "{table-plus", etc...

Advanced tables has 4 macros: table-pluscsvattachment-table, and json-table

Removing the macros 

  • For Table Plus macro: copy the body contents outside the macro and then remove the macro.
  • For CSV Table macro or JSON Table Macro: either remove the macro completely or convert it to a noformat macro to preserve the data without formatting.
    1. Edit the page.
    2. Edit the macro to go to the macro browser.
    3. Select Select macro (bottom left corner).
    4. Find and select the noformat macro.
  • For Attachment Table macro: remove the macro. The Confluence attachments macro may be an alternative for some cases. 

Uninstall or disable the macro

Perform the following to uninstall the app:

  1. Navigate to CONFLUENCE ADMINISTRATION > Manage apps.
  2. Locate the required app using search.
  3. Select the resulting app to view the respective details in an expanded pane.
  4. Click Uninstall. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  5. Click Uninstall app to confirm. A successful uninstall message is displayed once the app is uninstalled.

Optional: Select a reason and add comments in the What Happened dialog box, after uninstalling the app to provide feedback to the vendor.

You can use the Disable option instead of uninstalling the app. This sets the app to inactive and you can no more avail the respective functionality. You can activate the app back using the Enable option (which is visible only after you disable the app).

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