
See also: Actions


Run actions for system file events from a directory with regex filtering on file path and satisfying other selection criteria similar to getFileList. Run actions from a file, list of input parameters, or standard input similar to the run action. Use the directory parameter to identify the absolute or relative path to monitor for events. Valid events are create, delete, and modify. Specify one or more event parameters. Use the limit or timeout parameter to control automatic stopping of the monitor process.

Required Parameters

directory, events, (input or common or file)

Optional Parameters

limit, timeout, regex, continue, simulate, encoding, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, options





Output Formats

Replacement Variables

fileEvent, fileName, fileBaseName, fileExtension, fileAbsolutePath, fileSize, fileLastModified, fileIsDirectory

Since Version9.4


Related How To's

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