Migration assistant of Agile Poker data from Server/DC to Cloud.

This page outlines which part of the Agile Poker functionalities are affected when migrating from Server to Cloud.

Agile Poker Server/DC differs in both functionalities and UI from its Cloud version. Before migrating please refer to the documentation at this link

This info assumes that migration was done according to official Atlassian guidelines on Server Cloud migration.

What is migrated when transferring data from Server/DC to Cloud

  1. Story points saved in issues

  2. Board settings on which field is used for estimations

  3. Jira settings on which issues have estimation field enabled (say if bugs have story points)



What is not migrated and should be manually recreated :

  1. State of estimating session (both async/interactive and relative).

  2. Historical data on what estimation votes were cast by which user.

  3. Participant list for interactive/async session.

  4. List of possible votes that can be cast during the session by estimation participants

What is not migrated and cannot be recreated

  1. Sprint capacity calculator man-days/man-hours data (lack of such feature in Cloud ATM).

  2. The setting of Agile Poker board visibility (lack of such feature on Cloud)