MultiExcerpt - Server/Data Center - 5.5.8
MultiExcerpt - Server/Data Center - 5.5.8
MultiExcerpt version 5.5.8 introduces new features that allow finer-grained control over how inline comments are rendered in MultiExcerpt Includes and In Confluence Excerpt Includes
Per-macro control over inline comments
In the MultiExcerpt macro there is a new parameter, available in the macro editor, to configure whether or not inline comments will be rendered in MultiExcerpt Includes that include the excerpt:
Admin control for inline comments in MultiExcerpt Includes vs Confluence Excerpt Includes
The admin configuration tool for the MultiExcerpt plugin has been enhance to allow an admin to separately configure the rendering of inline comments for MultiExcerpt Include macros and for Confluence Excerpt Include macros: