Create a new contract from the existing contract


Create a new contract by copying the existing contract and replacing the words within the contract.


The following steps demonstrate how to create a new contract by copying and replacing the word within the contract using Copy page tree features:


Step 1

As a Confluence user:

  1. Navigate to the parent page of the existing contract.

  2. Click the ellipse button.

  3. Select the Copy page tree. The Copy page tree app is displayed.

  4. Specify the Space and Parent Page of the destination space from the drop-down menu.

Step 2

Refine the page titles

  1. Specify a prefix for the pages.

  2. Use Replace and With to find and replace the words in the title. In this example, we are changing the name of the contract in the title.

  3. You can view the titles and hierarchy. Click the folder icon to expand the page tree.



Step 3

Replace the words within the pages

  1. Check the Enable Advanced Options (slower but offers more control over page titles and content) option.

  2. Go to Page Content, and specify the Replace and With to find and replace the words within the pages. In this example, we are replacing the name of the contract inside the pages.



Step 4

Publish the new contract

  1. Once you have entered the required information, click Copy page tree button. A confirmation page with the progress bar is displayed.

  2. When the copy process is complete the success message is displayed, then click Go to New Page. The destination page tree is displayed.