Key concepts - Cloud

This page helps users understand the key concepts and get the necessary background information to make the most of the app.

Data sources

The SQL Query macro uses data sources to access databases. A data source defines the access parameters, including credentials (e.g., user name and password). To start using the SQL Query macro and incorporating external data inside Confluence pages, your Confluence administrator must first create a data source profile. Once created, it is important that your Confluence administrator share the data source name with you. Each time you embed an SQL Query macro on a Confluence page, you must provide the data source name.


SQL for Confluence comes pre-packaged with many of the capabilities of Advanced Tables for Confluence, another popular Appfire app. Among many other things, this app allows you to send the output of external data that has been retrieved using one or more SQL Query macros to a table. Tables can be pretty powerful on their own when displaying results from SQL statements. With this app, you can use some of our most popular table parameters to help format, style, organize, and summarize your data. We make it easy for you to interact with table parameters from the macro editor.

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