Data source configuration differences starting with Confluence 5.8 - 8.x

Data source configuration differences starting with Confluence 5.8 - 8.x

There was a significant change in configuration values between Tomcat 7 (before Confluence 5.8) and Tomcat 8 (after Confluence 5.8). Confluence administrators must review their server.xml configuration and make adjustments. 

Max ConnectionsDefault Max ConnectionsWait Time for Connection from PoolDefault Wait Time for Connection from PoolExample Settings
Tomcat 8maxTotal8maxWaitMillis (in milliseconds)-1 (no limit)
  • maxTotal="25"
  • maxWaitMillis="10000"
Tomcat 7maxActive-1 (no limit)maxWait (in seconds)30 (seconds)
  • maxActive="25"

Why is this important?

Some customers have reported slow pages and related problems after upgrading Confluence. This is a likely consequence of running out of connections and having to wait for a connection to become available. The new default of 8 is very low for many higher volume use cases. This is exacerbated by a no limit wait which provides no feedback to page viewer that there is contention. By reviewing your previous configuration and updating it to use the new parameters, it should restore previous behavior.

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