User's Guide - 8.x
User's Guide - 8.x
On this page
- SQL Macro
- SQL-query Macro - performance optimized for read-only SQL statements
- SQL-file Macro - locked to just run administrator defined queries
{sql-query:dataSource=TestDS|output=wiki} select * from test {sql-query}
There are *{sql-query:dataSource=TestDS|table=false} select count(*) from test01 {sql-query}* rows in table test01
{sql-query:dataSource=TestDS|p1=%test%|showsql=true} select * from test01 where a1 like ? {sql-query}
Example chart from Site statistics:
{chart:title=Confluence Content|type=pie|displayData=true|width=500|height=300 |dataOrientation=vertical|pieSectionLabel=%0% - %1%|legend=false| tables=content|attachment=Confluence content.png} {sql:dataSource=confluenceDS|id=content} select contenttype as Type, count(distinct CONTENT.title) as "Count" from CONTENT group by contenttype having count(distinct CONTENT.title) > 0 union select contenttype as Type, count(*) as "Count" from CONTENT where contenttype='COMMENT' group by contenttype having count(*) > 0 union select 'ATTACHMENTS' as Type, count(distinct title) as "Count" from ATTACHMENTS order by "Count" DESC {sql} {chart}
Confluence 3.x wiki macros
Duplicate macros are available for Confluence 3.x style wiki markup for recursive use.
- sql1 - duplicate of sql for recursive use
- sql2 - duplicate of sql for recursive use
- sql3 - duplicate of sql for recursive use
- sql-query1 - duplicate of sql-query for recursive use
- sql-query2 - duplicate of sql-query for recursive use
- sql-query3 - duplicate of sql-query for recursive use
- This macro and the dataSource parameter can be restricted to trusted users by configuring security using Macro Security for Confluence.
- The sql and sql-query macros are controlled separately. The duplicate macros (sql1, sql2, sql-query1, etc...) cannot be configured separately as they inherit from the macro they duplicate.
- Only some databases/JDBC drivers support read only connections to be established without restrictions on the database permission level. The sql-query macro uses this support to make it more convenient by only requiring a single datasource configuration. If you database/JDBC driver does not prevent updates when using the sql-query macro, then configure an additional datasource that only has read-only permission on your database. Use macro security at the datasource level to control access. For example, PostgreSQL supports this, but it is not supported on MS Sequel Server (SQL-52).
- On untrusted sites, prevent SQL injection attacks by using parameter markers. This in only necessary when the SQL statements are partially constructed from user input. See Wikipedia: SQL injection. Parameter markers are supported by SQL for Confluence.
- Users requiring Anti-XSS support must upgrade to 4.1.0 or higher.
- The disableAntiXss parameter on the sql and sql-query macros can be enabled by configuring security using Macro Security for Confluence.
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