Analytics Data - 9.x

Analytics Data - 9.x

SQL for Confluence captures analytics events from installs and stores this in a private analytics database hosted by Amazon Web Services in the United States of America.

To improve the customer support experience, we do include the Support Entitlement Number (SEN).

An example of the analytics data we receive:

SENActionEvent DataTimestamp

2018-03-09 12:51:31.488+00

2018-01-19 22:41:31.188+00

2017-06-08 23:00:31.244+00

2017-07-30 02:02:02.222+00

2017-11-09 12:55:04.108+00

2017-03-09 12:51:31.488+00

You can opt out at any point by toggling the analytics option to "off" within the product configuration screen.

Log a request with our support team.

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