Log SQL activity - 11.x

Log SQL statements

Administrators can optionally log all SQL statements used in the SQL macros. This option is enabled by adding configuration in the ../WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties file. In addition, warnings are issued when the default row limit is exceeded. Time logging is also available since version 5.1.0.

Add to ../WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties
# SQL statement logging
log4j.appender.bobswiftsql.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %m%n

log4j.logger.org.swift.confluence.sql.SqlMacro.statement=INFO, bobswiftsql

log4j.logger.org.swift.confluence.sql.SqlQueryMacro.statement=INFO, bobswiftsql

log4j.logger.org.swift.confluence.sql.SqlFileMacro.statement=INFO, bobswiftsql
# SQL time logging
log4j.logger.org.swift.confluence.sql.SqlMacro.timing=INFO, bobswiftsql

log4j.logger.org.swift.confluence.sql.SqlQueryMacro.timing=INFO, bobswiftsql
log4j.logger.org.swift.confluence.sql.SqlFileMacro.timing=INFO, bobswiftsql

Using another Windows drive

A direct Windows path can be specified with a drive but you must use forward slashes (or double back slashes according to this reference).

Add INFO logging at runtime

  1. Go to Administration > Logging and Profiling.
  2. Find the Add new entry area.
  3. Add INFO entries for the following: org.swift.confluence.sql.
  4. Log statements appear in the standard Confluence log file. Logging occurs immediately, but only lasts until Confluence is restarted.

Add DEBUG logging at runtime

  1. Go to Administration > Logging and Profiling.
  2. Find the Add new entry area near the top of the page.
  3. Add the following entries for the Class/Package Names: org.swift.confluence.sql.
  4. Select DEBUG for the New Level value and click Add entry:

    Should look like: 

  5. Log statements appear in the standard Confluence log file. Logging occurs immediately, but only lasts until Confluence is restarted.
  6. Ensure to go back and remove the entry that was added after you completed triaging your issue. 

Use logging when establishing or lowering row limit

Setting or lowering the row limit in installation may cause a few existing SQL queries to show only the limited number of rows. Use logging to track usage that exceeds the limit. Investigate queries that exceed the default limit for correctness. If correct, use the limit parameter to prevent further warnings.


Setting additivity to false prevents SQL from being logged to your main Confluence log.

Example log

2012-10-20 05:14:57,019 [http-8116-4] userId: admin, dataSource: testDS, contentId: 91816371, spaceKey: zsql, title: dateRows, sql: DELETE from test_date;
            INSERT INTO test_date VALUES (1, date '2009-09-30', timestamp '2009-09-30 01:00', timestamp '2009-09-30 01:00', time '05:45:01', time '14:20');
            INSERT INTO test_date VALUES (2, date '2010-08-10', timestamp '2010-08-10 13:00', timestamp '2010-08-10 13:00', time '13:45:01', time '02:20');
            INSERT INTO test_date VALUES (3, date '2008-12-31', timestamp '2010-08-10 01:01', timestamp '2010-08-10 01:01', time '13:05:00', time '14:35');
            INSERT INTO test_date VALUES (4, date '2010-03-01', timestamp '2010-08-10 01:00', timestamp '2010-08-10 01:00', time '23:55:00', time '11:35');
            INSERT INTO test_date VALUES (5, date '2010-03-05', timestamp '2009-08-10 01:00', timestamp '2009-08-10 01:00', time '11:55:00', time '02:55');
            INSERT INTO test_date VALUES (6, date '2008-01-30', timestamp '2009-08-10 01:00', timestamp '2009-08-10 02:00', time '08:00:01', time '02:10');
            INSERT INTO test_date VALUES (7, date '2009-03-01', timestamp '2009-08-10 01:00', timestamp '2009-08-10 01:00', time '07:45:01', time '23:59');
            SELECT * from test_date;
2012-10-20 05:14:58,137 [http-8116-4] userId: admin, dataSource: testDS, contentId: 91816372, spaceKey: zsql, title: dateSort, sql: SELECT * from test_date
Timing logging
2012-10-21 19:29:48,113 [http-8116-4] statement time: 2293 ms, total time: 2300 ms, sql: select ...

Interpret logging

Statements are logged prior to the database being called and includes the space key and page title the macro was on. Time is logged after the database operation completes. The fields are defined as follows:

Statement time

Difference between making the request to the database and database completing the query and return a successful response
Total timeDifference between making the request to the database and retrieving all result sets, constructing tables, and any wiki rendering required

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