Get snippets of current user

GET http://{host}:{port}/{context}/rest/snippets/1.0/snippets
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json"
{ "size": 1, "limit": 25, "isLastPage": true, "values": [{ "guid": "87dec410f4404d4ca43dc4772a8bd0f0", "name": "Example Snippet", "description": "Example description...", "categories": [{ "guid": "2f7c939e273f4d29b60f08f9a508298a", "name": "Example Category" }], "isVisible": true, "isPublic": false, "userId": 1, "createdAt": 1379175213548, "updatedAt": 1379175745710, "files": [{ "guid": "bda2ce737fce4cc19ba00cafc5c9f33d", "name": "example.sql", "content": "SELECT * FROM examples" }], "comments": [{ "guid": "6b90147977bb42f782610f0211a94cfc", "text": "This is a comment...", "userId": 1, "createdAt": 1431174442000, "updatedAt": 1431174442000 }] }], "start": 0 }


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