Configuring the limit for List Data items


From version 8.21.0 onwards, Scaffolding provides an administrator setting that allows Confluence administrators to set the default limit for List Data items. When this limit is exceeded, the processing will stop and an error message will be displayed.

Why there is a limit for List Data

The List Data macro is useful for providing data options from a specific list. However, processing a huge number of List Data items, when used with the check or select type, may cause performance issues for Confluence.

It is also a bad experience for users to have to select an option from a huge list of radio buttons, checkboxes, or dropdown menus if there are a huge number of items. Setting List Data with the auto complete type is more appropriate in that use case.

Enabling or disabling the List Data limit

This feature is enabled by default when upgrading to Scaffolding 8.21.0. The default limit value is 250.

  • enable or disable the List Data limit by toggling the Enabled toggle on or off

You can also set a new limit by updating the value in the List Data limit input field (defaults to 250).

  • choose Save to update the settings