Scaffolding field group macro overview

After inserting a Scaffolding Field Group macro, you can drag the necessary fields from the sidebar into the editor area.

We now have a field group template library for you to use. Learn more at Using the field group template library.

Overview of all the available fields





Short Text

A field for entering smaller amounts of textual data which don't require line breaks.

Usually used for fields such as name, job title, and department.

Only plain text is supported.



A field for entering larger amounts of textual data, including line breaks.

Usually used for fields such as description, bio, and product details.

Rich text is supported.


Allows the user to key in integers and decimal numbers.

Date Field

Allows editing of dates with a date picker pop-up menu, or by keying in directly into the date field.

Dropdown List

Generates a dropdown list with custom options.

Page List

Generates links to other Confluence content, such as pages and blog posts.

User List

Creates a dropdown that allows selecting one or more users from a specific group.

Files List

Adds a dropdown list that shows the current page's attachments or another page's attachments as specified in the field configuration. Users can then select an attachment.

Table Field

Creates a table that supports dynamic addition or deletion of rows. Any field type other than the Table Field can be used inside its cells.

The table is a meta field that holds other fields, such as Short Text, Paragraph, Number, Date, and more.

Attachment Upload

Allows users to specify an attachment to upload, or to select a previously-uploaded attachment.