2022-02-04 Low Severity Vulnerability


Low Severity Vulnerability

Advisory Date

February 4, 2022


Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards

Affected versions

Rich Filters Server and Data Center versions up to 1.20.0 included

Not Impacted

Rich Filters Cloud is not affected

Updated versions

Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards for Server / Data Center version 1.21.0 and above

CVSS Base Score


Summary of vulnerability

This advisory discloses a low-severity security vulnerability affecting our Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app on the Server and Data Center only. The Cloud version of the app has not been affected in any way.

This vulnerability has been discovered through our security audits, and we're not aware that this vulnerability was known and exploited before the date of this advisory. 


It is possible for attackers who have login rights together with some other specific permissions to gain access that is restricted to other users on the same instance. This can lead to information disclosure. 

What you need to do

Upgrade your Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app for Server/Data Center to version 1.21.0 or above. 


If you have questions or concerns regarding this advisory, please raise a support request via our support portal.Â