Use working queries

Use working queries

By the end of this tutorial, you can split your list of issues into two groups: canceled and non-canceled. Each group will be displayed by a different Rich Filter Results gadget, which is controlled by the same Controller.

In this example, we consider canceling all the issues with a non-empty resolution other than Fixed. Depending on your Jira configuration, you might have different resolutions and conventions.

How to use the Working Queries

For this tutorial, you need to have already created a rich filter and a dashboard with a Controller and Filter Results gadget based on the rich filter. We have used the rich filter and dashboard created in the previous tutorial.

  1. Open the configuration of the Rich Filter Results gadget you already have in your dashboard.

  2. Add the JQL resolution in (EMPTY, Fixed) in the Working Query. This JQL fragment will always be applied (ANDed) to the JQL filter that feeds the gadget. Therefore, this gadget will display only issues with no resolution or the resolution Fixed (this is what we consider not-cancelled in this example).

  3. Customize the title of your gadget: write Not Cancelled so that users easily understand what the gadget displays. 

  4. Save the configuration of your gadget.

  5. You’ll now see that the gadget has the name Not Cancelled as configured. Also, it displays only issues whose resolution is Fixed or empty (“Unresolved”).
    Click on the Closed static filter button. The filter results from gadget reloads, and only fixed issues are displayed.

  6. Add a new Rich Filter Results gadget to your dashboard. Base this new Rich Filter Results on the same Rich Filter as the other gadgets. Add the working query resolution not in (EMPTY, Fixed). Set the gadget's title to Cancelled so that users can easily tell what the gadget displays.
    Optionally, set a different color for this gadget.

  7. Click on Customize Views. Select only the Delivery view—the gadget will display only this view for the canceled issues. 

  8. Save the configuration of your gadget. The gadget will have the title Cancelled and display only the canceled issues (non-empty resolution different than Fixed) using the Delivery view.

  9. Click on the Closed static filter in your Controller. This will impact both Filter Results gadgets (all gadgets based on the same rich filter in the dashboard). The first one will show the Closed/Fixed issues, and the second one will show the Closed issues with a resolution other than Fixed.

The Working Query is a powerful mechanism that allows you to split your issues into as many groups as you want (overlapping or not). All Rich Filter Gadgets support this feature (except for the Controller, for which this setting is irrelevant). Also, using the ORDER BY clause in a working query will overwrite the base filter's ORDER BY clause, allowing you to customize the default ordering of issues for that gadget.