Display statistics and quick charts on your dashboard

A key feature of Jira dashboards is displaying your data through statistics and charts for effective, at-a-glance reporting. This article demonstrates related features available in Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards, namely statistics gadgets. You'll use Rich Filter Statistics and Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadgets to generate statistics on your dashboard and display quick charts on the fly.



Final result

When you've worked through all the steps in this tutorial, you should have a dashboard that contains two statistics gadgets:

  • A Rich Filter Statistics gadget shows each Assignee's issue count and story points.

  • A Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadget that shows time spent for each combination of Priority and Status.

The two statistics gadgets, which are the focus of this tutorial, can be seen on the right of the image below. The gadgets on the left (Rich Filter Controller and Rich Filter Results) have already been covered in previous tutorials.

Dashboard with a rich filter controller, results gadget, statistics gadget, and two-dimensional statistics gadget

Both statistics gadgets can also display quick charts, giving you easy access to a visual summary of the data: these are accessed by clicking the chart button in the bottom-right corner of the statistics gadgets. The below image shows some examples:

Rich filter and dashboard basic setup

In this section, you'll set up a basic rich filter and dashboard.

  1. If you've already worked through other tutorials in this series, you can base any gadgets you create while following this article on a previously created rich filter. Check that you have one available (find existing rich filters under Apps > Rich Filters). If not, follow the instructions in Get started with Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards to create a new rich filter before continuing.

  2. Create a new dashboard (Dashboards > Create dashboard).

  3. Make sure it uses the Two-column layout. This is usually the default setting, but you can select it if required using the Change layout menu at the top of the dashboard.

If you want a more detailed explanation of creating a new dashboard, see Create a simple dashboard.

Create one-dimensional statistics

Rich Filter Statistics gadgets allow you to display a table showing a breakdown based on a configurable statistic type.

Let's create a gadget showing each Assignee's issue count and story points.

  1. Add a Rich Filter Statistics gadget to your dashboard (Create a simple dashboard that explains how to add gadgets).

  2. Move the gadget to the right-hand column of your dashboard by dragging and dropping it.

  3. There are several fields you should configure in the gadget config form:

    1. Rich filter: Set this to your rich filter.

    2. Breakdown by > Statistic type: This statistics gadget will show a breakdown by assignees, so select Assignee in the Statistic type dropdown.

    3. Values: For each Assignee, let's show the number of issues assigned to them and the number of story points they have. Choose Issue Count and Story Points.

  4. Your Rich Filter Statistics, gadget config form, should look like the following image. Check it is correct, then click Submit.

    5. Your Rich Filter Statistics gadget should look like the following image.

At this point, you should be in dashboard edit mode. At any point, you can click the Done button at the top of the dashboard to exit dashboard edit mode and see the final layout of your dashboard. You can re-renter dashboard edit mode by clicking the Edit button at the top of the dashboard.

Manipulate your statistics display

In this case, the rows are sorted alphabetically by Assignee. As with tables in rich filters, you can sort the statistics view by other columns by clicking the column heading.

You can toggle between descending and ascending order by clicking the column heading multiple times.

Be aware that the Unassigned row always appears at the end of the statistic table, regardless of sorting.

The Rich Filter Statistics gadget config form offers several options if you want to change the default display.

  1. Return to your Rich Filter Statistics gadget config form (see Easier configuration with the Rich filter menu).

  2. We haven't discussed the following options previously. Update them as described below:

    1. Filter out None: If this option is selected, issues with the statistic type empty (in this case, Unassigned) won't be included in the statistics. Check the box.

    2. Sort by: This dropdown offers different values depending on the chosen statistic type. In our case, select the Total option. This will sort the table in descending order by the first Value column available, which in our case is Issue Count.

    3. Reverse sort order: reverses the default sort order of the option chosen in Sort by. Check the box.

    4. Show percentage bars: Shows or hides the percentage bars in the display. Uncheck this box.

    5. Show totals: Shows or hides the Total row. Uncheck this box.

  3. Your config options should look like the following image. Check they are correct, then click Submit.

    Your Rich Filter Statistics gadget should end up with a simpler, more compact display, which might be preferable in some situations, depending on what information you need. Feel free to play around with these settings until you get a data display that you are happy with.

Create two-dimensional statistics

Rich Filter and Two-Dimensional Statistics gadgets allow you to display a table showing a two-dimensional data breakdown based on two configurable statistic types.

In this case, we'll create a data table showing the time spent for each issue priority and status combination.

  1. Add a Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadget to your dashboard.

  2. Move the gadget to the right-hand column of your dashboard, below the first statistics gadget, by dragging and dropping it. We'll add other features to the left-hand column later on.

  3. There are several fields you should configure in the gadget config form:

    1. Rich filter: Set this to the same rich filter that your other statistics gadget is based on.

    2. Horizontal breakdown > Statistic type: We'll show the different statuses as columns in the table — select Status in this dropdown.

    3. Vertical breakdown > Statistic type: We'll show the different issue priorities as rows in the table — select Priority in this dropdown.

    4. Value: We'll show the time spent on each issue and the combination of Priority and Status. Choose Time Spent in this dropdown.

  4. Your Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadget config form should look like the following image. Check it is correct, then click Submit.


  5. Your Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadget should look like the following image.

    Before you move on, you should note the following:

  • Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadgets can be sorted by ascending and descending column and row values by clicking the arrow controls in the column and row headings.

  • Clicking the heading value brings up the list of issues corresponding to that column/row in a separate browser tab.

  • You can clear all the applied sorting by clicking the x button that appears in the top-left corner of the table after sorting has been used.

  • Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadgets also have several options for manipulating the display of your data. We won't go through these in detail here, as they are very similar to the config options for one-dimensional Rich Filter Statistics gadgets. Still, we'd advise you to go back into your gadget config form, play around, and see how they affect the data display.

Filter statistics using a controller

You'll notice how connected everything is as you use Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards more. With this in mind, let's look at filtering your statistics display using a Rich Filter Controller gadget.

  1. Add a Rich Filter Controller gadget to your dashboard using the Add a Gadget side panel.

  2. Drag and drop it to the left-hand column of the dashboard if it hasn't already been placed there.

  3. In the controller config form, set the Rich filter to the same Rich filter your other gadgets are based on, and click Submit.

If you use a rich filter from a previous tutorial, you may already have some filters on your controller. If you created a fresh new rich filter for this tutorial:

Try applying some filters in the controller. Note how they filter issues in both statistics gadgets. 

Display quick charts

Statistics gadgets have quick charts available. These charts are so-called because they are generated directly from the statistics without requiring any configuration. Quick charts are displayed by clicking the chart button in the bottom-right corner of the gadget.

  1. Click the chart button to display a donut chart showing the number of issues per Assignee.


  1. You can click the Donut chart text at the bottom of the gadget to bring up several different chart options. You can also click the Issue Count text to change the data shown to one of the other values in the table. From these options, you can choose a Bar chart and Story Points.


  2. The different chart types all have interactive features. For example, in the bar chart, you can hover over the columns to display tooltips with exact values and click on the assignee names or their bars/slices to load up lists of all the associated issues in a separate tab.


The examples shown above are all taken from the Rich Filter Statistics gadget. Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics quick charts work in the same way, with a couple of notable differences:

  • The chart types are different, with types such as clustered bar charts that are relevant to two-dimensional statistics.

  • The chart shows a breakdown by two statistic types — in our case, Priority and Status — and choosing which one appears across the x-axis and within the legend is possible. You can swap the two by clicking the < > button between the two statistic types. This is illustrated below.

Further exercises

To add further power to the dashboard, we put a Rich Filter Results gadget in our final example in the left-hand column below the Rich Filter Controller gadget. To complete the tutorial, we'd like you to do the following:

  1. Add a Rich Filter Results gadget to your dashboard below your controller gadget based on the same rich filter (Create a simple dashboard explaining how to do this).

  2. Add two views to your Rich Filter Results gadget as described in Customize issue views and gadget scope. 

Your dashboard should look like this:

As a further exercise, we encourage you to explore using smart filters in your statistics. Smart filters allow you to filter and group your issues using configurable smart clauses based on JQL and also have the advantage that, when defined, they become available for use in other places. This includes statistic types in statistics and charts and columns in views. See our Smart filters in statistics and charts exercise for specific guidance on adding a smart filter as a statistic type in a Rich Filter Statistics gadget. 

Next steps

You can work through the Fundamentals articles in order, but each one works as a standalone topic, so you can jump to specific topics of interest if that suits you better.

You can use the rich filter you created in this article as a starting point for other tutorials.Â