Get started with Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards

This article provides newcomers to the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app with a rapid introduction, explaining what it is and can do, how to access it, and how to use it to create a simple dashboard.



Rich filters are free to trial for 30 days; after that, the subscription cost scales according to different user tiers. See our pricing information for more details.

Why should I use Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards?

Whether you're a casual user or an expert, you'll agree that Jira can sometimes be cumbersome and hard to handle, especially as your querying and reporting needs get more complex. You start to work with larger teams with diverse user requirements.

Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards allows you to take control of your Jira. It provides a powerful and flexible toolset for generating custom data views and reports, delivered in a user-friendly, intuitive package. You can replace multiple Jira dashboards with one rich filter-powered dashboard, keeping all your functionality in one place and drastically improving productivity.

complex Jira dashboard showing a list of issues, controller with several filter controls, bar graph showing number of story points created eachy week from august to october, and a issue counter

Key features include:

  • Simple and complex filters are combined to generate precise real-time data views.

  • Multiple views for different requirements and job roles.

  • Several gadgets for sophisticated reporting include charts, gauges, statistics, and metrics.

  • Multidimensional data insights with numeric & time-tracking fields, averages & other formulas, and custom values and ratios.

  • Intuitive UI that allows easy editing, reordering, and color-coding.

This content is written for the Cloud version of Jira. A separate resource covers rich filters for the Jira Data Center.

The final result of this tutorial

When you've worked through all the steps in this tutorial, you should have a dashboard that includes:

  • A Rich Filter Controller gadget includes two filter buttons to filter the issues in your dashboard.

  • A Rich Filter Results gadget to display the list of issues.

Simple Jira dashboard showing a controller with two filter options - closed and assigned to me - list of issues

Create and access rich filters

A rich filter is an intelligent layer that sits on top of a basic Jira filter and provides advanced options for filtering and displaying the issues it returns. Let's examine how to access rich filters and create your first one.

  1. Once Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards is installed on your Jira instance, you can start to use it by selecting Apps > Rich Filters from the main Jira menu.

  2. You should now be on the main rich filter screen. Click the Create New Rich Filter button to create a new rich filter.

  3. In the resulting dialog box, enter a name for your rich filter and choose an existing Jira filter to base it upon.

You need the right to view the selected Jira filter, but you don't need to be its owner. 

  1. Click the Create button. This will create the rich filter and relocate you to its config screen. Down the side, there are several settings tabs and common actions for copying and deleting rich filters.

    You'll learn about these settings elsewhere in the documentation; for now, you'll move on and learn how to create your first rich filter-powered dashboard.

Create a simple dashboard

  1. From the main Jira menu, select Dashboards > Create dashboard.

  2. In the resulting dialog box, enter a Name for your dashboard and click Save, and you'll be relocated to the dashboard config screen.

  3. Here, you can add gadgets to your dashboard. The two types of rich filter gadgets you are currently interested in are:

    1. Rich Filter Results gadgets will display your issues.

    2. Rich Filter Controller gadgets to filter the display of data in your rich filter gadgets.

  4. Add a Rich Filter Results gadget:

    1. Start typing "Rich Filter Results" in the Add a Gadget side panel search box to filter for the gadget you want, and click its Add button.

    2. In the Rich Filter Results gadget you just added, for now, select your rich filter in the dropdown menu at the top, then click Submit to save it (we'll cover the other options available here in other tutorials).


  5. Add a Rich Filter Controller gadget in the same way as above.

    1. Again, once you've added your gadget, select your rich filter in the config box dropdown and click Submit.

  6. You can drag and drop the Rich Filter Controller gadget into the left-hand column of the dashboard and the Rich Filter Results gadget into the right-hand column.

  7. If you want your dashboard layout to look exactly like ours, select the Left sidebar layout from the Change layout menu at the top of the dashboard.

At this point, you should have a dashboard in edit mode with two gadgets inserted into it.

Once you have finished experimenting with your config settings, click Done to exit dashboard edit mode. 

Before moving on, it is worth discussing sorting tables in rich filters. By default, the display order of the list of issues in the Rich Filter Results gadget is defined by the base Jira JQL filter on which the rich filter is based. You can change the sorting by clicking on a table header to sort by that column. Click on the header multiple times to toggle between ascending and descending — the relevant arrow next to the column name will be highlighted to remind you whether the sorting is currently ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow).

For example, the image below shows the list sorted descending by Summary.

These sorting controls are standard in any table in rich filters for all sortable fields.

Add some static filters to your controller

At this point, your dashboard should be working fine, but it isn't doing much right now:

  1. The Rich Filter Results gadget shows a basic view of the list of issues returned by the Jira filter on your rich filter.

  2. By default, the Rich Filter Controller gadget allows you to type in JQL queries to filter further the data displayed in the Rich Filter Results gadget.

    1. Try typing in a simple query like "status = Closed" and clicking the Apply filters button.

    2. You can reset the query by clicking the X button at the bottom-right corner of the controller. This helpful button clears all filters currently applied.

  3. To make filtering more flexible and demonstrate the power of rich filters, you can add static filters to the controller that will apply your JQL for you. Static filters are buttons in the Rich Filter Controller gadget and allow you to toggle JQL queries on and off, using them on top of your base filter. You can use multiple filters at the same time.

In this section, you will add two static filters to your controller.

  1. Go back to your rich filter config screen.

  2. Select the Static Filters tab, then click Create Static Filter.

  3. In the resulting dialog box:

    1. Give it the Name "Closed"

    2. Give it the JQL "status = Closed."

    3. Click Create

  4. Create another static filter in the same manner with:

    1. Name: "Assigned to me"

    2. JQL: "assignee = curentUser()"

  5. Go back to your dashboard.

  6. Refresh your dashboard using the Rich Filter Controller gadget's Optimized refresh button, available in the bottom-right corner.

  1. You'll now see the static filters you created available as buttons in the Rich Filter Controller gadget. Try toggling them on and off and see how the issue list updates in real-time. Note also how, when you hover over the filters, you get a tooltip showing the exact JQL query that powers each one.

Next steps

You can work through the Fundamentals articles in order, but each one works as a standalone topic, so you can jump to specific topics of interest if that suits you better.

You can use the rich filter you created in this article as a starting point for other tutorials.Â