Building a Link URL Based on Text Field


This recipe uses the Scaffolding Text Data macro and Reporting macros to direct a user to a web page depending on what the user accesses. It includes the ability to enter a search keyword via Wikipedia and be directed to a specific page.




Reporting for Confluence Server & Data Center, Scaffolding



Reporting for Confluence Server & Data Center, Scaffolding




Estimated time

10 minutes


Report Link, Report On


Scaffold Data Supplier

Storage format

You can copy and paste this code into the Confluence Source Editor:

<h5> <span class="uiOutputText">Enter URL prefix:</span> </h5> <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="151b200e-68c7-4a50-bb68-0a793cbc008b" ac:name="text-data" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="name">URLprefix</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="type">line</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="content">text</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">INLINE</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body> <p> <br /> </p> </ac:rich-text-body> </ac:structured-macro> <h5> <span style="color: rgb(112,112,112);">Enter website page</span> </h5> <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="32d56360-37dd-46c3-8081-fea78891c5fe" ac:name="text-data" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="name">Website Page</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="type">line</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="content">text</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">INLINE</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body> <p> <br /> </p> </ac:rich-text-body> </ac:structured-macro> <h5> <span class="uiOutputText">Link Output (using report-on):</span> </h5> <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="3009e2e2-5e2f-424e-a655-5ffe2af97b17" ac:name="report-on" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="injected">true</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">INLINE</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body> <p class="auto-cursor-target"> <br /> </p> <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="a367eda8-1349-43d8-b5c1-7be5b5fe5c61" ac:name="report-link" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="postfix">%data:Website Page%</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="atlassian-macro-output-type">INLINE</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="">data:URLprefix</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body> <p> <span>%data:Website Page%</span> </p> </ac:rich-text-body> </ac:structured-macro> <p class="auto-cursor-target"> <br /> </p> </ac:rich-text-body> </ac:structured-macro>

Macro structure

You can recreate the example in the editor view:


  1. Create a Text Data macro for the user to enter the URL. Set the following parameters as stated:
    Name: "URLprefix"
    Type: "line"
    content: "text"

  2. Create another Text Data macro for the user to enter the keyword, and set the parameters as below:
    Name: "URLprefix"
    Type: "line"
    content: "text"

  3. Create a Report On macro, and check the injected parameter to set it to True.

  4. Within the Report On macro, create a Report Link macro. Set the parameters as below:
    Key: data:URLprefix
    URL Postfix: %data:Website Page%

  5. Save the changes. Now, you can click on Edit Contents to enter the URL and keyword.