Monitor data for continuous deployment

Ensure continuous integration and delivery, integration, automation and deployment; track last deployments, critical incidents or who is on-call duty when an alert or a service is down, and much more. Elevate your data game with nearly 100 metrics, pre-built templates and 12+ integrations.

Benefits of advanced data visualization

  1. Holistic Insights: Integrate data from various sources and products to create comprehensive dashboards. By consolidating data in one place, you can spot trends, correlations, and anomalies that might otherwise go unnoticed.

  2. Reduce Context Switching: Integration with multiple products streamlines data updates and reduces manual data entry. Accessing all relevant data from in a single place removes context switching, increasing agent productivity. Teams can focus on analyzing insights and making strategic decisions instead of managing data inputs.

  3. Customized Reporting: Leverage the power of 12+ integrations to tailor your dashboards and reports to your specific needs. You can create personalized views for different teams or stakeholders, ensuring that everyone sees the data that's most relevant to them.

How to start

  1. From your dashboard, open the Add Gadget window and navigate the collection of Dashboard Hub metrics.

  2. Add the gadgets of your preference to your dashboard .

  3. Your dashboard should be looking great by now, but if want even more customization, you can move and resize gadgets, change colors, the slideshow, and more. Also, make sure to review the dashboard permissions.

  4. Your dashboard is ready! Final step: Share it with your team using a Public Link so they can share your joy.

Is there a product your company uses frequently that you’d love to see integrated in Dashboard Hub? Make a request/suggestion for our team and we might add it to incoming releases.

Explore the use case library if you want to learn more on how Dashboard Hub can help your organization.

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