Getting Started with Dashboard Hub for
The Dashboard Hub family
Getting Started with Dashboard Hub
How to Install Dashboard Hub for Bitbucket
The Cloud version will require a paid subscription in 2023.
Opening Dashboard Hub
Right after installing Dashboard Hub for, opening Dashboard Hub is as simple as adding a view, and on ‘More views’ type and select Dashboard Hub for
Creating your first dashboard
To set up your first dashboard, go to the ‘···’ button on the right and in the dropdown select ‘Create dashboard’. Now give it meaningful a name, a description and permissions for your new dashboard. After that, choose your desired template. If you don’t want any pre-built template, select blank dashboard and add the gadgets you want.
In Dashboard Hub, gadgets are the small components that visually transmit the data as metrics, charts or other indicators (read more in What is a Gadget?)
Adding gadgets
To add gadgets, click on the ‘Edit’ button on the right, and then on the ‘Add Gadget’ button. In the new window, navigate the large list of Dashboard Hub gadgets to find the one you want to add. Remember that you can filter by product on the list in the left, or simply type the name of the metric you’re looking for. Once a gadget is added, quickly configure it and it will start displaying data.
Remember that gadgets can be also added after setting up pre-defined templates, which makes it a great place to start and build your perfect dashboard.
Sharing dashboards (broadcasting)
Sharing a dashboard can be done in seconds. Click on the share icon on the top right of your dashboard, and copy the link. Then, send it to the person you want to share it with, who will be able to access immediately.
If you want your dashboard to be more secure, before copying the link, click on ‘Protect the public link with password?’, and define a password (at least 6 characters long). The people wanting to access would need to introduce that password in order to see the dashboard.
Live dashboard examples
Next steps
We recommend you these readings: and
Check also the different dashboards templates, pretty sure there’s something you’ll use
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See also
What is Dashboard Hub for — Dashboard Hub for empowers users to create and share powerful dashboards and charts effortlessly in
Set Up a Wallboard — Set up your information radiator: A wallboard
Create, Edit, Clone, Delete and Export your Dashboard — Easily create and edit your dashboard layout, add gadgets, set access restrictions or share it
What is a Dashboard? — A dashboard is a visualization tool that helps your team to track their work: Monitor environments, visualize sales, detect incidents, analyze performance, track projects and so on.
How to Build your Central Data Hub — Centralize your data by turning Jira and Confluence into the Central Data Hub of your organization
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