

Returns an array with the keys of the issues that matched the search query.


Return Type

String []

Returns a list of issue keys that match the specified jql.


string jql; jql = "project = PRJ AND reporter in membersOf('Employees') AND status in (Open, 'In Progress', Reopened, Resolved, 'On hold', Assigned, 'Internal QA', 'Results rejected', 'Tested and not delivered', 'Tested and delivred')"; selectIssues(jql);

Result: An array of strings containing the keys of all the issues that are in the PRJ project, with the reporter included in Employees group and the status being one of the above.

For the search query, please use apostrophe(') instead of quotes(") and double backslashes(\) instead of a single backslash for escaping characters.

See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.