
Project Configurator analytics data

Starting from version 3.9.18, Project Configurator is using analytics tracking that collects anonymous analytics data and stores it in a private analytics database. This helps us take the right actions needed to make your experience the best possible. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.

You can opt-out at any point by toggling the analytics option to "disabled" on the Project Configurator → Analytics page.


The example data below is collected each time an export with only configuration data is created.

{ "keen": { "timestamp": "2023-09-15T10:52:13.695Z", "created_at": "2023-09-15T10:52:14.340Z", "id": "6504375ea7653200011ea531" }, "eventInfo": { "ConfigExportErrorsCount": 0, "xrayInstalled": "N/A", "xrayPluginState": "N/A", "TaskUUID": "c83ed319-e81c-4adb-9e1f-495dfacae530", "ConfigExportWarningsCount": 0, "FileSize": "91037 bytes", "OperationType": "ExportConfigOnly", "Action": "COMPLETED", "xrayPluginVersion": "N/A", "FileUUID": "2b63190d-84a2-4373-9651-4b23f3a51c54", "xrayDataContained": "N/A", "Result": "SUCCESS" }, "hostInfo": { "hostVersion": "9.5.0", "hostEdition": "ENTERPRISE", "hostIsEvaluation": true, "hostIsDataCenter": true, "hostSEN": "SEN-500", "hostServerId": "BWP3-NZB2-6EDY-6C7K", "hostMaxUsers": 10, "hostLicenseType": "DEVELOPER" }, "pluginInfo": { "pluginLicenseSEN": "NONE", "pluginLicenseError": "NONE", "pluginLicenseType": "UNLICENSED" } }


The example data below is collected each time an export is completed.

{ "keen": { "timestamp": "2023-09-15T10:55:07.400Z", "created_at": "2023-09-15T10:55:08.242Z", "id": "6504380cbf967f0001223bfa" }, "eventInfo": { "ConfigExportErrorsCount": 0, "DataExportCompleted": true, "xrayPluginState": "N/A", "TaskUUID": "513b9667-5e11-4cc3-baee-678855364edd", "ConfigExportWarningsCount": 0, "FileSize": "79956 bytes", "OperationType": "ExportComplete", "Action": "COMPLETED", "xrayPluginVersion": "N/A", "FileUUID": "25a5984b-1b62-4afd-a858-86e6dea35e55", "xrayInstalled": "N/A", "xrayDataContained": "N/A", "Result": "SUCCESS" }, "hostInfo": { "hostVersion": "9.5.0", "hostEdition": "ENTERPRISE", "hostIsEvaluation": true, "hostIsDataCenter": true, "hostSEN": "SEN-500", "hostServerId": "BWP3-NZB2-6EDY-6C7K", "hostMaxUsers": 10, "hostLicenseType": "DEVELOPER" }, "pluginInfo": { "pluginLicenseSEN": "NONE", "pluginLicenseError": "NONE", "pluginLicenseType": "UNLICENSED" } }


The example data below is collected each time an import with only configuration data is simulated.

{ "keen": { "timestamp": "2023-09-15T10:56:27.872Z", "created_at": "2023-09-15T10:56:28.663Z", "id": "6504385c9926cd00018763cd" }, "eventInfo": { "SimulatedConfigImportErrorsCount": 0, "TaskUUID": "c15f5bea-abcc-4933-a9d9-a4de70e67f57", "SimulatedConfigImportWarningsCount": 0, "Result": "SUCCESS", "OperationType": "SimulationImportConfigOnly", "Action": "COMPLETED", "xrayPluginVersion": "N/A", "xrayPluginState": "N/A", "xrayDataContained": "N/A", "xrayInstalled": "N/A" }, "hostInfo": { "hostVersion": "9.5.0", "hostEdition": "ENTERPRISE", "hostIsEvaluation": true, "hostIsDataCenter": true, "hostSEN": "SEN-500", "hostServerId": "BWP3-NZB2-6EDY-6C7K", "hostMaxUsers": 10, "hostLicenseType": "DEVELOPER" }, "pluginInfo": { "pluginLicenseSEN": "NONE", "pluginLicenseError": "NONE", "pluginLicenseType": "UNLICENSED" } }


The example data below is collected each time an import with only configuration data is made.


The example data below is collected each time an import simulation is completed.


The example data below is collected each time an import is completed.