Support for third-party applications
Conditions, validators, and post-functions
Project Configurator supports conditions, validators, and post-functions defined in standard Jira plus the following apps:
Jira ServiceRocket Utilities
ScriptRunner for Jira (Behaviours, Workflows, Resources, Script Fields, REST Endpoints, JObs, Fragments, and Listeners); see Integration with ScriptRunner for Jira for more information.
Workflow Essentials for Jira (compatible with Project Configurator version 3.2.0 or later)
Data of any app that implements the extension points defined in Atlassian’s Extending the Jira Import Plugin page is supported. Any custom field values belonging to custom fields whose types are defined in an app will be imported if that custom field type implements the interface "com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.customfield.ProjectImportableCustomField".
If you are a developer or app vendor wanting to create or market an extension for Project Configurator, please see our integration toolkit page.