Release 3.x (up to v3.9.12)


7 December 2022

Fixes & Improvements

  • Security updates 


17 October 2022

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0 - 9.3.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • Compatibility with Jira 9.3.0 and JSM 5.3.0.

  • Fixed a bug where some help links in the app didn't open the proper documentation pages.


9 September 2022

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0 - 9.2.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • Compatibility with Jira 9.2.0 and JSM 5.2.0.


22 July 2022

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0 - 9.0.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • Minor internal improvements.


18 April 2022

Fixes & Improvements

  • Security updates.


4 March 2022

Fixes & Improvements

  • Security updates - we upgraded some of the 3rd party libraries used by the app.

  • Minor improvements.


8 September 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0-8.19.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Minor internal improvements


26 August 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.19.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • A user would get a 500 error if XML had any syntax problem or unrecognised tag, now a proper display with this feedback is relayed.

  • When "config.xml" was not present in the complete import zip, a 500 error would appear, now a proper display with this feedback is relayed.


18 August 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.13.0-8.18.2

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where PC considered spaces in some args of the SR4J “send custom email” workflow post function to be list separators, which was not the case.

  • PC now supports references in ScriptRunner's field required workflow validators and conditions.

  • PC now supports references in ScriptRunner's Linked Issues condition.


15 July 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0-8.18.2

Fixes & Improvements

  • Support was added for the ScriptRunner workflow functions: clear field post function, user in field validator, and user condition.


23 June 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0-8.17.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • When doing a complete import, if the complete import zip contained more XML files other than the configuration one, it could lead to errors selecting the right one.


14 June 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0-8.17.1

What's New

  • Introduced a new feature that will display the specific changes an existing workflow will experience on the import tree.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Added a missing translator for the Jira Workflow Toolbox plugin which prevented the Field required condition and Field required or changed validator from being exported.

  • Added a missing translator for Sprint Health Gadget needed to correctly export the associated agile board.

  • Fixed a bug where the user would get a 500 error if the import XML has any syntax problem or unrecognised tag.

  • Fixed a bug where for workflows created automatically for Software projects, Jira introduced a number of spaces and line breaks that broke the post-function display. This also led to PC being unable to properly import those post-functions.

  • Fixed a bug that produced an error while reading workflows when certain external plugins were not present.


19 May 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.17.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed an issue with kanban/scrum board imports; default sub-filters were being created on import even when the value was empty in the source XML file.

  • Improved error-handling: during an import, existing screens that contain a field entry associated with a field that no longer exists (e.g. a custom field depending on an app that has been uninstalled), will make Project Configurator throw an error with a NullPointerException. Project Configurator now proactively tries to check if the field is null, and if so, ignores it and avoids the error.

  • Added support for references to ScriptRunner for Jira’s workflow functions: Conditions (project role, user, group, regular expression) and Validators (regular expression).


14 April 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.16.1

What's New

  • Updates made to the Integration Toolkit that include improvements to simplify reference handling and the creation of properties

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused a 'ClassCastException' error on export for some users


25 Mar 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.16.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Import Simulation report from loading for some users in version 3.7.3

  • Fixed a bug that was displaying incorrect differences in  <p> </p>  tags in Field configurations; this resulted in false representation that modifications would be applied to the target instance

  • Fixed a bug that was displaying incorrect information about non-existent changes to workflow layouts

  • Updated in-app links for new documentation site


15 Feb 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.15.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 3.7.1 which prevented users from applying changes after a successful complete project import simulation.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from saving their options settings if they resulted in several elements for the skipped configurations or projects to export options.


09 Feb 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.15.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where older versions of Jira were displaying empty import trees and errors while importing.

  • Fixed a bug involving translated custom fields. On import, Project Configurator was considering the translated values for custom fields instead of the original custom field name, resulting in duplications of custom fields in the target instance.


04 Feb 2021

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.15.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed several bugs that prevented a limited number of customers from performing certain actions such as importing.


17 Dec 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.14.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Security Fix: Fixed security vulnerabilities in accordance with our Bug Bounty program. These vulnerabilities affect all prior versions of Project Configurator up to and including 3.6.2. We strongly advise that you upgrade to version 3.7.0 or later.

    If you are using console scripts to automate your export and import tasks, you will also need to update the commands used to invoke these scripts. See the   Automating Export and Import of Projects page of our  documentation .
    Refer to the individual issues for more information on the vulnerabilities: 

    • PCDEV-1765  - Security Vulnerability - CSRF global protection

    • PCDEV-1768  - Security Vulnerability - Unauthenticated and regular users can access some restricted resources

    • PCDEV-1769  - Security Vulnerability - XSS Injection

    • PCDEV-1770  - URL Path traversal allows the export file to be saved to any path


03 Dec 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.14.1

What's New

  • Compatibility for Jira 8.14.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • Minor UI changes to the Getting Started page and Export and Import screens


12 Nov 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.13.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed two bugs that were impacting how the default Issue Type Scheme was handled during imports [PCDEV-1753] & [PCDEV-1764]


04 Nov 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.13.1

What's New

  • New integrations for ScriptRunner for Jira. Support has been added for ScriptRunner Script Fields and Resources.
    See Integration with ScriptRunner for Jira to learn more.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed JSD report bug

  • Improved integration framework to allow the export of extension objects regardless of their relation to exported projects


30 Sept 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.12.2

What’s New

  • Short-term licensing options are now available. Contact Adaptavist directly at  Customer Support  to learn more.

  • References to application links are now supported for ScriptRunner integration

Fixes & Improvements

  • Restore default file name button added to Export Options

  • Fixed an issue where the default file name format was not updated according to the file type selected


10 Sept 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.12.0-8.12.1

Fixes & Improvements

  • Improved messaging in the Import Simulation page


03 Sept 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.12.0-8.12.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where an error was prompting the user to install a missing plugin when the true error was a missing custom field

  • Enhanced the colors that represent modified objects and warnings in the import simulation tree


20 Aug 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0-8.12.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • New design and resource links to the in-app  Get Started  page

  • Fixed an issue where not all properties were being considered as a source of pre-conditions when creating an object

  • Fixed an issue that was resulting in the export error,  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class   (PCDEV-1711)


27 July 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0-8.11.0

Fixes & Improvements

  • Compatibility with Jira 8.11.0

  • Fixed an issue where exporting a complete project failed while copying the ZIP file from the temp directory to the destination  PCDEV-1703

  • Fixed an issue where occasionally, part of specific pages, even from other plugins, became hidden if PC was installed


08 July 2020

Compatible with Jira Server & Jira Data Center 7.11.0-8.10.0

What’s New

  • History Log feature now available! The History Log displays recent export and import activity for your instances including the date, user, type of event, and result. You can also download the corresponding files for successful events. See our documentation to learn more.

    The History Log section of the Manage Apps tab. The History Log option is highlighted in the left side menu.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Error message improvements

  • Fixed a rare bug in the form properties

  • Project Configurator is now compatible with Jira 8.10 JSD 4.10

  • Integration Framework updates


04 June 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.9.0

What’s New

  • Compatibility with Jira 8.9.0


28 May 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.10.0-8.8.1

What’s New

  • Revised option names and descriptions in the  Import Projects  screen to improve user experience


  • Minor fixes and internal updates


30 April 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.8.0-8.8.1

What’s New

  • Save Configuration feature added to  Import Projects screen.

    You can now save your custom configuration settings for import options to reuse with subsequent import tasks, saving you time and reducing the possibility of errors by reusing a configuration that you have successfully executed. To use a saved import configuration, select it from the  Configuration Options  drop-down list. Import options are now displayed on the main  Import Projects screen. Learn more in our documentation.


  • Fixed an issue with the project and .zip file selection not working as expected for some users of versions 3.1.10 and 3.1.11

  • Fixed an issue with statuses configured for JMWE (Current Status Condition) not matching source when importing  PCDEV-1611

  • Improved error messages


19 March 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.8.0-8.7.1


  • Improved error messages

  • Fixed an issue where scheme permissions were incorrectly removed on import

  • Fixed an issue where unexpected warnings were displayed when exporting JSD projects


26 Feb 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.7.0-8.7.1


  • Fixed an issue with Project Configurator giving a string-out-of-range error when a different file path was specified

  • Fixed a ScriptRunner compatibility issue with the post function,  Assign to First Member of Role

  • Fixed a JSU compatibility issue with the post function,  Copy Value From Other Field (JSU)

  • Fixed an issue where the text box to select projects to export was not being displayed


13 Feb 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.7.0-8.7.1

What’s New

  • Updated in-app documentation links for new docs site


  • Fixed an issue where the .zip file button was not working in cases where an external JDK and postgresql were used  (PCDEV-1512)

  • Fixed a JWT compatibility issue with the post-function  Update Issue Field   (PCDEV-1549)

  • Improved error message for  Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined   (PCDEV-1558)


10 Feb 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.4.0-8.7.0

What’s New

  • Save Configuration feature added to  Export Options screen.

    You can now save your custom configuration settings for export options to reuse with subsequent export tasks, saving you time and reducing the possibility of errors by reusing a configuration that you have successfully executed. To use a saved export configuration, select it from the  Configuration Options  drop-down list. Learn more in our  documentation.

    The Export Projects screen. The Configuration Options drop-down and Save Configuration button are highlighted.


  • Fixed a compatibility issue with OpenJDK 11 where exporting .xml files failed with a Java class error


24 Jan 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.3.0-8.6.1


  • JSD 4.6.X  - Fixed an issue when importing a service desk project into an instance with Jira Service Desk 4.6.0 or higher, some operations on SD queues would fail, including creation of new queues.


16 Jan 2020

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.3.0-8.6.1

What’s New

  • Improved error messaging


  • Fixed an issue with export failure with "JWT - Update Issue fields"  (PCDEV-1511)

  • Fixed an issue with the import process failing when a multiuser picker custom field with user filters in included in the new configuration  (PCDEV-1517)

  • Fixed an issue with export failing due to error with Issue Link used in some validator/conditions and post functions of JMWE when the selected value is "Any"  (PCDEV-1524)


19 Dec 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.3.0-8.6.1

What’s New

  • Improved error messaging


29 Nov 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.3.0-8.5.3


  • JWT - Fixed an issue where the update issue fields function keeps the source field value pointing to the ID of the field in the source instance and not the ID of the migrated field in the target instance  (PCDEV-1310)

  • JWT - Fixed issue with custom field import error  (PCDEV-1333)

  • JWT integration - Fixed issue related to PC and JWT integration failure in post-function with date parameters  (PCDEV-1506)


06 Nov 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.3.0-8.5.3


  • Fixed bugs related to third party plugins imports


01 Oct 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.3.0-8.5.3


  • Added minor improvements for app tracking


13 Sep 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0-8.5.3

What’s New

  • Added a new notification when performing an import with an evaluation license of Project Configurator.

  • Added compatibility with Jira 8.4.0 and Jira Service Desk (JSD) 4.4.0


  • Fixed an error related to new entities assigned to an existing workflow

  • Addressed a medium severity security vulnerability recently identified in Project Configurator


14 Aug 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0-8.3.5

What’s New

  • Changed the name of Used By Report to Object Dependencies Report  (PCDEV-1292)

  • Changed the description and button text in Used By Report  (PCDEV-1293)

  • Switched Getting Started page links to open in a new tab  (PCDEV-1298)

  • Changed the order of items in the Project Configurator menu  (PCDEV-1299)


  • Fixed an issue where the Workflow Configuration for the Assign to Project Role Post function provided by the Jira Workflow Toolbox plugin was not migrated correctly  (PCDEV-1286)

  • Fixed an issue where Project Configurator gave a string out of range error on Windows OS  (PCDEV-1325)


06 Aug 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0-8.3.5

What’s New

  • Added browser download for complete project: Download ZIP file straight to your browser for easier import


  • Fixed progress bar issues

  • Ensured newly created projects were associated with their default priority scheme

  • Fixed null pointer exception for JSD import

  • Fixed export error when projects used a Previous Status condition provided by the JWME plugin


18 Jul 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0-8.3.5

What’s New

  • Disabled PC analytics when a user disables Jira analytics  (PCDEV-1252)


  • Made Jira Suite Utilities no longer compatible with Project Configurator  (PCDEV-1200)

  • Fixed an issue with a wrong First Time link  (PCDEV-1248)

  • Fixed an error in ImportJobRunner Error Handling  (PCDEV-1253)

  • Fixed an issue where the recalculate button caused the Import Operations Tree to disappear  (PCDEV-1257)


24 Jun 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0-8.2.6

What’s New

  • Improved "Smart custom field contexts" feature with an overhaul  (PCDEV-1168)

  • Made data import faster by suspending reindexing of each individual project  (PCDEV-1202)


  • Fixed an issue where the condition on default issue types within a scheme triggered an NPE in some cases  (PCDEV-1197)

  • Fixed an issue where "unconfigured" custom field configuration schemes were mistaken for global ones  (PCDEV-53)


04 June 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0 - 8.2.6

What’s New


  • Fixed notification and issue security schemes causing import errors with PC 3.0  (PCDEV-1164)

  • Fixed a problem migrating some types of dashboard gadgets that applied to project categories  (PCDEV-1171)

  • Fixed an issue where when some JQL references an object by a string that was not acceptable as a valid object key (as a filter name), the import breaks  (PCDEV-1176)

  • Fixed an issue where references to subordinate objects (versions, components, issue security levels) in a JQL query triggered an NPE in the simulated import  (PCDEV-1179)

  • Fixed the MissingMethodException when trying to change the help text of a JSD request type  (PCDEV-1181)

  • Fixed an issue where the global order of resolutions and priorities may not be imported correctly  (PCDEV-1064)


21 May 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0-8.1.3

What’s New

  • Added Getting Started page with essential information to quickly and easily start using Project Configurator  (PCDEV-1116)

  • Added allowance for data migration with custom field apps in different versions  (PCDEV-1023)

  • Added ability to ignore changes to the required/optional status of assignee field in field configurations  (PCDEV-1150)


  • Fixed an issue where complete project import, a setting of version order within projects always failed  (PCDEV-1159)

  • Fixed an error when importing a filter that referenced a project by its name  (PCDEV-1163)

  • Added a warning when a new issue type/priority scheme does not cover all existing issues in a project  (PCDEV-1151)

  • Added a NullPointerException when trying to import a filter without columns  (PCDEV-1153)

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes working hours and holidays of JSD calendars were not imported correctly  (PCDEV-1155)

  • Fixed an issue where some JSD request types were not updated correctly  (PCDEV-1156)

  • Fixed an issue where some SLA conditions were not imported correctly  (PCDEV-1165)

  • Fixed an issue where filter attributes were not always updated correctly  (PCDEV-1169)


25 Apr 2019

Compatible with Jira Server and Jira Data Center 7.2.0-8.1.3

What’s New

  • Added more comprehensive error detection during import simulations

  • Added flexibility to select/deselect objects from the import simulation UI, rather than wasting time editing the XML file or redoing the export phase

  • Added ability for individual errors to no longer interrupt an import; when the error makes a required object unavailable, dependent operations will be automatically skipped

  • Added a new user interface for imports: tree-like structure and color-coding now makes all import reports much easier to analyze

  • Added the ability to easily identify the creation of new objects and changes to existing ones, and enable/disable them separately