Quick start


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Quick start

1.1 Overview | 2 Steps


Here's a quick start guide to working with Page Approval for Confluence Cloud.

In this step-by-step example, we will request approval for a page in a knowledge base space.

  • you have created a knowledge base (KB) article, and

  • require approval from your senior support engineer to publish the documentation 


Ensure that your administrator has enabled the Page Approval app for your space during the configuration of the app as shown below.

As a knowledge base author, you will set up the approval request.

Select one of the options below

  • Setting up a standard approval - the standard approval request requires all the approvers that have been listed to approve the page, only then the page approval status will change to Approved

  • Setting up an approval quorum - the approval quorum request requires a minimum number of approvers in the list to approve the request. This means even if some approvers reject the request, as long as the minimum number of approval is still met, the page approval status will change to Approved

  • Setting up an approval chain - the chain approval request requires all the approvers that have been listed to approve the page, only then the page approval status will change to Approved. The approval goes through an ordered chain, the approvers will have to take turns to approve or reject the approval request

As part of the approval process, you can choose to set up acknowledgers for the approval request.

Don't forget to set the Due Date and Priority for approval.

Approvers then follow the steps at Approving and rejecting pages,  to approve or reject pages after they receive the approval request notification. 

At any point in time, you can check the status of the approval.

The example below shows an animation of how you can reset an approved document status.