How to merge components

Merging components into one is useful while setting up Octo. Often, customers have multiple components in different or the same projects that they would like to manage as one cross-project component.

Merge components

Component management page
  1. Click the three-dot menu of the component you want to merge, then select Merge.

  2. Search for the component you would like to merge into.

  3. Confirm merging components.

The selected components are successfully merged!


Merging components from the same projects

If you choose to merge components from the same projects, all tickets linked to the component you're merging will be transformed into the component you're merging into. You're not going to lose any linked tickets.

Merging components from different projects

If you choose to merge components from different projects then components will become cross-project components. All changes to the cross-project components are being synchronized. To learn more, see